Hi all - I was wondering if anyone was from the KW area - I am just experiencing my first bald patches that are fairly hidden for now - not even sure when to expect more - or if this is it. My GP was useless - read my diagnosis from a book and gave me steroid cream. My naturopath is adjusting my vitamins  - indications this is probably thyroid issues? I just want to connect with someone who is going through this - as I think that would be the best resource.

I have excepted this can get worse - so I will now search for new hats or wigs - not sure.

Anyone that can help me feel a little more comfortable with outcome - greatly appreciated.

Views: 58

Comment by Mike Staffieri RHN on October 15, 2015 at 9:56am

check out my blog on mTOR inhibition and hair growth......show it to your naturopath


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