I would like some opinions please...I just recently got AA in May and I went from long thick hair to lots of huge bald spots....I attached a pic..(and there are many more spots that arent showing)...do you all think this is severe AA and do you think most of may fall out?...also I'm tired of trying to cover the spots all the time, at what point would you all get a wig or cut it off....what is your all opinions?

Views: 7

Comment by Mary on August 11, 2009 at 7:47pm
Hi Casee,

Yup, it looks very much like mine did in late 2007, before I lost it all. You can see pics on my page showing what my head looked like the night before I took control and shaved it all off, and a pic of right after.

Susan is right - I felt so much better and less depressed when I shaved it off. I had spent every day checking the enlargement of the bald areas, and crying about the handfuls of hair on the bathroom floor. Once I shaved, that was all over.

I got a wig and tried to wear it, but couldn't. But, lots of women are comfortable in wigs, and you can try one and see. There's lots of advice available on AW about wigs. I took baby steps, venturing out to different places bald. Now it's the way I go everywhere, and it's fine. It's really a personal choice.

It took me most of last year to get to where I'm at now, but for me it was about dealing with(mourning) the loss of the "old me" with hair, and acceptance of the "new me" as I look now. I know you're probably scared thinking that this is maybe where you're heading. Just know that I thought it was the end of the world when it happened to me. It wasn't, and life is good.

Alopecia World is a wonderful place for support. You might enjoy the Group "Sisterhood of Women Who Shaved Their Heads".

Hang in there.
Comment by Tallgirl on August 11, 2009 at 9:29pm
I kept what hair I had, when mine was like yours, and just used huge bobby pins to secure a wig to it. I cut off whatever stuck out in wrong places at the edges of the wig. Eventually, my own hair grew back (for some 15 years before totalis) and I was able to cut ...at a real beauty shop...the new growth plus old growth (sounds like a redwood forest in California) into a "shag" haircut just in time for a fraternity mixer. This was when I was 20, and really wanted a chance at my own hair for at least ONCE during college! I was able to finish up college with a YEAR AND A HALF, plus the graduation ceremony, of living, dancing, loving and partying with my own hair.
Comment by Casee on August 11, 2009 at 10:22pm
Thank you all soo much for your responses......down deep I think I would be more happy if I had the courage to cut it off and get on with the NEW me......I can still cover a lot of it with a ponytail, but I plan to cut it if starts looking really really spotty even in a ponytail...I kinda wish I had a reason to go and cut it now, I'm tired of covering it up all the time.....Mary, how long did it take yours to fall out?....
Comment by Mary on August 11, 2009 at 10:45pm
Casee, my hair went from just a few hidden bald spots in August 2007, to what you see in the "Night Before" pics on January 29, 2008. After I shaved on January 30, I kept shaving the dwindling patches of stubble for only about two months. I think I was smooth and totally hairless all over by April 2008. I was actually relieved when it was finally all gone, and I love not having to shave my legs or underarms (there are some benefits if you lose it all).

But, please keep in mind that everyone's alopecia is different. There's just no predicting it - but it is good to be prepared for anything. I cut mine all off when the bald spots were too big to hide under my hair...that was it for me. And you know what? I went from being too embarrassed to go swimming because my bald spots would show under my wet hair, to walking up to the pool or hot tub bald. Bald definitely felt better to me than bald spots.
Comment by michael louis pearson on August 13, 2009 at 7:26pm
thats exactly what i went through , all through middle school and high school. now im completely bald. i remember always trying to cover up the spots or hold my head a certain way so that people wouldnt notice. i really wish now that i would have just shaved it . its so much easier and less stressfull. you will always have those jerks that have rude comments or stare at u. for the most part everyone respects u just like anyone else.
Comment by Karen on August 14, 2009 at 5:07pm
hello Casee - My AA started out much like yours (ever growing patches). October last year it started and in January this year I shaved the extra bits off. Funny thing was after I shaved it, it started growing again. I ended up with a full head of hair and then it started falling out agian. I'm probably at the stage you are now again and starting to think about my bald options again. I wore scarf's and hats last time, but I wasn't working, so rethinking things a bit now. Good luck with your choice and don't forget, what ever you choose it'll be right for YOU. Everyone's different and that's where this site is so amazing, lots of different experiences and ideas for you to find your personal fit.


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