I have had AU for about 2 years or so. I lost all my hair. My lashes came back then they fell out again! Then they came back! I have regrown all my hair back except for my scalp. I have hair on my neck (lt blonde hair) up to my scalp. I don't have even one hair on my scalp. My brows are growing back but look strange the way they are growing. They're light so I'm going to wait and see what happens there.

Has this happened to anyone else? I am not using any treatment and haven't for a long time. All it did is make me sad. Can I expect my hair to come back fully? This was the first time I have completely lost my hair. I had some come out before and before I got married 24 years ago I lost all the hair around the bottom of my scalp but the rest of my hair was long so it covered it up. Then it came back and I never had another problem until about a year before it all came out. It started getting thin on top. I took some vitamins and a shampoo for thinning hair and it grew back. Then a year later it all started coming out, very quickly.

Is it stress or an auto-immune disorder? I really don't know. The doctors can only guess. For now I will wear my wig when I go out and bald around the house. I'd be interested to know if anyone else has these issues. Thanks!

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