Wig consult #2 is today...wish me luck

Well today is my second consult for a wig, hopefully she has more styles/colors that fit me and that I like. I am hoping to walk out today with my new do but will be ok if I have to wait(but only a little longer). I also found a wig shop that is down the street from the salon that I am going to that carries the brand of wigs that I like from the styles I see online, Rene of Paris. So if I don't find anything at the salon, I might swing by the wig store and see if I can find anything there.
I just want something that fits my head properly, that doesn't make my head look huge, that looks natural and that doesn't make me look like Fiona(Shrek's wife)..which there was one last time that if you popped the green ears on the top of my head I was her!
If I do find something today, I am either going to buzz cut my hair today or do it at my parents house tomorrow and have a moment with just me and my mom to do it.
I am ready to move on!! I am continuing to lose more and more each day. So hopefully I find something today..wish me luck!

Views: 15

Comment by Stephanie on February 12, 2011 at 10:21am
Yeah for you! When you look at yourself in the mirror and say 'Hey, that's me!" you will know that it is the right wig. That's the key. It sounds like you are in a good place, Julie. Looking forward to a picture!
Comment by zeida on February 12, 2011 at 10:58am
Good luck. Make sure you feel really comfortable in it before you buy it. Post a pic we want to see you looking glamorous not that you look bad now. You are beautiful with or with out.
Comment by Julie G on February 12, 2011 at 11:01am
Thanks ladies!
Comment by Julie G on February 12, 2011 at 4:26pm
I got one! and it is so me...check out my latest blog for a pic! now I just have to learn how to do my eyebrows


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