There is so much advertising for wigs on this site that I inquired at Peggy Knight Solutions about wig costs. They emailed me back saying, "Pricing for our prostheses starts out at $2,500.00." Is it just me, or does that seem a bit high? The last wig I bought was from Paula Young. It's a human hair wig with a mono front; and I only paid about $60 for it (on sale from $189). It actually looks quite good, especially since I tweaked the colour by dyeing it to something more suitable for me. The first wig I ever bought was about 13 years ago when I was in very fragile state and knew nothing about wigs. I was talked into a simple Peter Pan short style and it was synthetic and dark blonde/brownish (where my natural cut & colour is like Marcia Brady). It cost $250. I hated it. I wore a lot of scarf under hats (most hats didn't cover enough). I'm beginning to go insane because this is the third day and my headache hasn't gone away yet. The Relpax helped a bit yesterday, but not anymore and I hate being nauseous.

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