Wig Wearing Women - Stand Tall!!

I feel so compelled to write this message to all of you bald women who choose to wear wigs. I don't mean to be controversial or engage in debate because aren't we all one family, one community of support? We are ALL in the same boat. First, to you ladies who go bald in public, I appreciate and thank you for being true to what you think is right for you. Because isn't that REALLY what it's about - To Thine Own Self Be True.

But that said, shouldn't we all be accepting each other for any minor differences in how we choose to express or manage our alopecia? My own perception is that there is this underlying pressure to go bald within the alopecia community. The message is that those of us ladies who choose to wear wigs haven't reached the higher level of self esteem as those women who don't wear wigs. And that we are "hiding" as I've been told by a fellow alopecian lady. I believe that these messages only serve to push anyone who is already hurting and emotionally vulnerable into even deeper pain. It creates FALSE shame. I LIKE wearing my wigs; I enjoy that aspect of being a woman. It is how I choose to present myself to the world. So, I am not "hiding" or nor do I have a lesser self-esteem then women going bald. I happen to adore myself. My alopecia and the grace and courage in how I have chosen to manage it for the past 32 years is something that has BUILT, not torn down, my self-esteem.

Please, if you wear a wig and feel any shame or pressure to go wigless, let that go. Don't we have enough on or plates just being a bald woman in a society obsessed with outer beauty - along with just everyday life of work, family, financial struggles, relationship challenges, etc. Take that off your plate!!! Be true to you and be proud of your choice to wear a wig. I am. :)

Views: 245

Comment by JeffreySF on May 19, 2009 at 11:53pm
I say "Do whatever feels right for you"
I'm sorry if I may have pressured you or anyone else to do otherwise.
I know alopecia can be difficult for all of us, with women at the head of the line.

Comment by Kelly on May 20, 2009 at 12:04am
Hey Jeffrey, you are precious to apologize, but honestly the message comes from other women. I haven't experienced it from men at all. Thanks for the comment. :)
Comment by Lee on May 20, 2009 at 12:12am
Thank you Kelly ; )
Comment by Kelly on May 20, 2009 at 12:18am
Lee, Hi! Thanks for letting me know the message resonates with you. :)
Comment by Cherylnz on May 20, 2009 at 6:43am
Hi Kelly,
I love wearing my wigs too (I have had Alopecia for about 37 years, AU for 35 years).
As I say to my Mum " I have beautiful hair, it's just not attached to my head".
Comment by meg on May 20, 2009 at 7:55am
Resonates with me... Whatever one chooses for themselves is fine. I think that going out bald gets some alopecians over the fear of being outed. I don't wear a wig in my home or in my yard or if I get too over heated. I guess we do what we have to...
Comment by donna walker margolies on May 20, 2009 at 7:57am
Thanks for your message Kelly! I have been conflicted about the "wig wearing" . Most often I'm comfortable in
a do-rag; I like the middle-aged rapper mom look! However, there are times I've found I feel more comfortable, not physically but appearance wise,wearing my "hair hat"! there are times when a scarf just doesn't work with the outfit!!
Physically, I feel most comfortable with my head covered, otherwise I feel hot ; as when the sun is pelting down on my scalp, or cold ; like when the air conditioner or wind blows on me! I never thought of keeping my head covered as a self-esteem thing!!
Comment by Kimberly on May 20, 2009 at 11:31am
I agree with you Kelly. None of us chose alopecia in our life, but we do have to choose how we deal with it, whether we walk around bald and proud (I admire all who do) or if we feel more comfortable wearing wigs, etc. I myself wear a vacuum hair piece and LOVE it. I don't consider myself "hiding" from the world either. I have done articles in the local newspaper about alopecia with my picture with and without my hairpiece on for the whole world to see. I have been before my church about my alopecia as a testimony of how I have overcome (dealing with it) my adversity. God is truly GREATER than any problem I have!!! This is part of who I am, but I also love life and if alopecia is the worst I have to deal with, then it's piece of cake (I couldn't always say that). :-) My best to us all, and God Bless you each!
Comment by Pat on May 20, 2009 at 1:06pm
well said kelly!
Comment by lynne on May 20, 2009 at 3:23pm
hey that message was great, i have only bn on this site a week and lost my hair for the first time few wks bak, i have sn how many people say to go bald, but i dont think i cold ever go bald myself, i couldnt handle people starin askin questions or bein rude to me, i find it hard wen people stare wen i wear my bandana, so thanks as im waitin for a wig just now, i cant wait to have hair on my head whether its mine or not, x


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