Bob Hershberger's Comments

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At 2:51pm on September 17, 2008, Roger said…
Have a great time at the meeting! My friends will be there!

At 12:40pm on September 16, 2008, Zoey said…
I plan on it mister Bob... :o) Are you still going??

I might not make the pizza before.. I hope I can.. But no promises.. Are you going for the pizza?? You should!!!
At 2:30am on September 16, 2008, Lorena said…
Hi Bob you are so handsome , thought I would tell you that ,I can't believe you are single. Have a great day ..nice smile.
At 3:58am on September 11, 2008, Bob Hershberger said…
Marisa..I just found out,I did accidentally block you..I swear..Good thing Im not a computer repair man..I'll find out how to fix this ASAP..Sorry..Thats the last thing I wanted to do.. : (( : o
At 12:20pm on September 5, 2008, Zoey said…
Its okay mister B.. :)

I forgive ya.. Muah
At 8:39pm on September 4, 2008, traci said…
thanks for the awesome comments bob! and of course i remember your article from NAAF, i loved it! having a good summer? i'm visiting family back home for another week or so before school's so hot here in norcal, i'm glad i shaved my head! (haha!)
At 1:02am on September 4, 2008, Zoey said…
Oh yea.. Its sooo sad!!!! Should I dress up for the meeting too?? Maybe i will go as Princess Lea.. lol
At 11:39am on September 3, 2008, Zoey said…
I would like to go earlier and visit China Town. I like to walk around on the gift shop streets, once me and my friends were walking around trying to find the right street and we walked down the food/grocery street-BIG MISTAKE! I was in tears. They are savage on that street. Never again man, never again!
So.. I gotta find that right street and walk up and around that street only!!
At 5:01pm on September 2, 2008, Zoey said…
OKay :o) I was getting worried! I am hoping the Emilie this new gal I met, she lives kinda close to us. I think she said, she might go. Its going to be neat to meet you all..
At 11:30pm on September 1, 2008, Zoey said…
I resent it Bob earlier today.. Did you get it now??
At 6:33pm on September 1, 2008, Nezz said…
Hey Bob, thanks for your comment.
Its so nice 2 know I'm not alone :)
Take care
At 2:55pm on September 1, 2008, Mark said…
hey bob... hope youre well. Love the pic dude... thats a great beard you have... im jeleaous LOL... Ali p took my stubble ... have a patch in my hair as well. Do you have any theories as to the cause of this ? seeing as youve had it so many years ... any patterns ? Did it ever effect your beard?
At 4:53pm on August 30, 2008, Zoey said…
Mister Bob.. Did you get it?
At 1:35am on August 30, 2008, Zoey said…
Whats your email address-I will forward you the address and info :)
At 9:57pm on August 29, 2008, Zoey said…
My Boyfriend will be driving :o) But, I will meet ya there.. It will be so nice to meet both of you! Heck, it wiull be nice to actually meet in person someone with alopecia...
At 9:05pm on August 29, 2008, Zoey said…
Yes.. Guess where we are going tomorrow!!!! BUGORAMA at the Sacramento Raceway! I cant wait.. I looove VW's
At 9:05pm on August 29, 2008, Zoey said…
Yes Bob... That would be awesome... Roger sent me the info.. Do you have the info
At 8:34pm on August 29, 2008, Roger said…
Bob. Lets try to meet in Houston for the conference next year?
At 8:12pm on August 29, 2008, Roger said…
Bob...are you far way from San Francisco? Im going there next month. And im going to there support meeting too.

At 8:02pm on August 29, 2008, Roger said…
Yes, Bob that was the NAAF thing! Dont worry =) It was was nice of you!



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