Bob Hershberger's Comments

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At 7:11am on August 28, 2008, Geri said…
Just got back the other day from Florida, and OMG, it was so hard too get back in the swing of things and even worse to get ready to go back to I had a great time although it was so so hot. Glad the walking in the heat thing made you laugh but it was the truth....Have a great day....Maybe we could talk on the weekend...
At 11:43pm on August 26, 2008, Connor Chapman said…
i read your article on the NAAF was very supporting
At 1:17pm on August 25, 2008, traci said…
hi bob, thanks for the add! i remember your article from the NAAF spring newsletter last year - it was published on the pages before my own pages! i'm also from northern california. how has your summer been? i hope you have a beautiful day! =)
At 12:37pm on August 21, 2008, Roger said…
Hi Bob!

Thanks for sharing this!

At 3:29am on August 21, 2008, Bob Hershberger said…
Isnt it nice that laughs are still free..I hope they dont ever find a way to tax that..Wow!! Your folks are coming to Folsom?? Thats big...Hope you have a blast..Ba-Ba
At 7:34pm on August 20, 2008, Geri said…
Hi Bob,
Glad to get your messages, wondered what happened to you. Glad you had a great time with your son. I am going to Florida on Friday to visit my sister. Glad the storm in over in Florida, I kind of got crazy thinking about flying Oh, by the way, yes I have a job and I work very very

I will try to write again soon. I was at the beach today with my daughter and grandkids. WE had a ball :)
At 12:01pm on August 20, 2008, Zoey said…
Bob!! You are so cute!! You made me laugh when I saw what you wrote...
Have a Wonderful Wednesday.. I go to the airport tonight and pick up my mom & brother. She is going to be here for about a week & half.. I cant wait.. I have been needing to see her, I miss here too much and cant wait for my parents to move back to Folsom...
At 3:01pm on August 17, 2008, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Thank you for all the kind words! Yes, the little girls are so wonderful. Both of them have alopecia. There have been many young girls at my signings and they are all smart and fabulous. It makes me so happpy to be helping them.
At 11:00am on August 15, 2008, Geri said…
Hey, haven't heard from you in a few days...hope you are doing well...If I don't hear from you, have a really great weekend...:)
At 12:35pm on August 13, 2008, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Thanks for the nice note!!!
How are you doing today?
At 6:10pm on August 12, 2008, Jenn said…
At 9:36am on August 9, 2008, Geri said…
Hey Bob, When my alopecia started I felt so alone, felt like I was the only one going through such a traumatic thing. I was telling my daughter the other day about this site and told her I searched years ago hoping to find a site like this but had no luck. Glad I didn't stop I told her I feel great sharing my inside thoughts and experiences with people who truly can relate. I really think there are so many other people like us out there, I just think it is hard for some people to talk about it so they just keep quiet and try to deal with it.
Anyway, thanks for the message. You have a great weekend too. Hey, do you ever come on here and chat? Maybe we could do that sometime....Let me know :)
At 11:50pm on August 7, 2008, Roger said…

The conference was an amazing experience for me. I met so many wonderful people there. I already miss it! I loved to meet people from this site face to face in real life.
At 11:16pm on August 7, 2008, Zoey said…
Howdy there mister Bob.. I have been very good...
My son starts school on Monday!! Nuts huh!
My business has been going good.... :) thank you for asking sweetie....
I found out about the bugorama in Sacramento the end of this month.. I want to go soo bad... When I was in college back in the day.. I was a member of the VW Club in Los Angeles.. I miss my little Cab & the clue..
At 11:12pm on August 7, 2008, Geri said…
Hey Bob,
Thanks for the response. It is so nice to be here talking and exchanging email with someone who actually knows what I go through on a daily basis. We are all in the same boat and we all understand, that's what makes this place so special. It is also really nice to find a guy I could talk to about this and not have to feel at the last bit funny or embarassed. Maybe I will take you up on the phone call one day :) Hqve a great day!
At 11:49am on August 5, 2008, Roger said…
Hi Bob.

Hows life over there?

At 1:40am on August 5, 2008, Zoey said…
Thank goodness Bob.. You had me worried.. I knew your son was down the begginning of July.. but, Did nt know you were going out of town.. (Or I forgot) I feel much better now that your okay!! I missed ya!!

Muah Zoey
At 1:57pm on August 3, 2008, Zoey said…
Bob, How are you doing?? I havent heard from you in a bit.. Just checking in making sure everything is A-O-K :)

Muah Zoey
At 12:54pm on July 31, 2008, claire said…
hi bob hope your well.........
At 11:57pm on July 29, 2008, Maureen said…
HI Bob, How are you doing? Been so busy this summer. I hope you r having a good summer. Just thought I would stop by to say Hi!



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