Sgomez's Comments

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At 9:45pm on April 24, 2008, Gina said…
Thanks for the comment. Hope you are doing well.
At 2:10pm on April 24, 2008, Kelly said…
Hi Sarah, I'm sorry for scaring you about school. You will be fine. I was so nervous about entering the unknown before I started. It is in some ways fascinating and very fun. I feel like I would be misleading though if I said it is easy. It is stressful, but if you love you, you can do it. And you will meet some really good people who you can work with to help you through it. My classmates help me keep my spirits up.
At 8:11am on April 24, 2008, Carmella said…
I'm heading out to clinicals this morning - YAY! I'm in a three year program with summers off and my first year is almost done. Like anything there is the good and the bad. I actually have a youtube channel and a blog about my experiences in nursing school. If you want to check them out let me know and I'll get you the links.
Have a beautiful day,
At 12:57am on April 24, 2008, Harmony Restored said…
That's funny. You will like the vacume better. The one that I have are nice. I like the hair long too. Did your insurance pay for it? They don't like to but they should. One of my client is getting one and we are having a hard time with her insurance. Do you use adhesive or tape with your lacefront?
At 7:26pm on April 23, 2008, Carmella said…
PS I'm in Nursing school right now too...
At 7:10pm on April 23, 2008, Carmella said…
Glamourous! I LOVE IT!! I kind of think of myself of one of the guys but now I'll think of myself as on of the glamourous guys!!
Much Love,
At 2:07pm on April 23, 2008, Kelly said…
Hi Sarah, thank you for letting me know. I just reduced the number of pixels in each pic. Soooooo glad it worked. I want to put up "hairless" pics like you did, I just haven't had time - school makes it so hard to keep my head above water.
At 2:01am on April 23, 2008, Harmony Restored said…
Yes. I do style wigs (cranial prosthesis). I also sell them. They look so natural too. Im excited about this new business. My Aunt had breast cancer. There was nothing I could do for her that had a natural appearance. So I invested in my training for hair restoration. By the time I became knowledgable in it shhe regained her hair. Fortunately, I can help others.
I visited Az. Last year with a freind. I had no idea how nice it was. I hope to go back. My children and I just returned from Orlando. BOO!!! It was so cold. Hated it!!! Chicago isnt always windy. Itwas actually nice today. Do you know anyone that stays here? Of course eveyone does. Lol
At 10:21pm on April 22, 2008, Harmony Restored said…
No, I don't have alopecia; butmy Grandmother did. You live in Arizona. It is beautiful there.
At 11:58pm on April 21, 2008, Kelly said…
Sarah, I tried to modify my profile pics. Can you tell me if they look normal now? Thanks!!
At 11:45pm on April 21, 2008, Antoinette Fernandez said…
Hola Sara!! Thanks for your comment! You have a beautiful family, your kids are adorables!! I know you don't like to travel far away, but if you come to New York, please let me know!!
At 12:30am on April 18, 2008, Antoinette Fernandez said…
Hi Sara! Nice to meet you too! I'm from Mexico city, i'm really happy to meet you! Espero algun dia pueda conocerte en persona!! Un abrazo y gracias por tus comentarios!!!!Por cierto, escribes en espanol muy bien!!
At 10:05pm on April 16, 2008, gerald said…
How's it going you lovely bald lady!

Yes, I am married to Carol who writes on HERALOPECIA. She goes by the name Carol red skirt there. They seemed to have a problem of some sort with her board name, they thought she was someone else. But I guess they got it sorted out, and she is back on HERALOPECIA.
I have noticed there is a Carol who writes here on ALOPECIAWORLD, but that is not my wife Carol.
I don't write there on HERALOPECIA because I am a man, and it is for women.
Here though on ALOPECIAWORLD, both men and women write.

I do read on HERALOPECIA though on occasion. I enjoy reading what the beautiful bald women there write.

I actually prefer bald women. Why that is, I am not sure. They just seem more beautiful to me. To me there is no woman more beautiful than a pretty bald lady.
I have always liked women who wear their hair very short, or are bald. They have to be feminine of course, and nice women, and have a brain in their pretty bald head. But my wife Carol is all that.

Carol hasn't registered on ALOPECIAWORLD. She is a busy lady, working, with a husband and three children, and as far as I know, she only writes on a few boards.

I have read some of your posts on HERALOPECIA. You seem like a very nice lady. Your husband is fortunate to have such a lovely bald wife like yourself.
Alot of men would like to be with a pretty bald lady, so men like myself and your husband are indeed lucky guys. And you ladies don't even need to shave your heads! You are naturally beautiful and bald! It doesn't get too much better than that.
At 6:41am on April 16, 2008, Erica said…
Hi Sarah, I love Pelona - much better than wee baldy nut!
It's my real hair in my picture but that was taken over a year ago. But to be honest, looking straight at me, you wouldn't notice much difference. But back then, I only really had bald spots up the left side of my head. Now, it's all across the back of my head, up the right side too (I don't have any 'sideburns' anymore) and just this last month I have a spot about a penny big right on the top of my head. It's getting bigger just now so that's why I'm getting my wig. At the moment, I can only see it getting worse before it might grow back in again, if it ever does.
I'm coping pretty well just now. I got a little nervous going in for my wig consultation but it ended up being fun. I'm now nervous about wearing wigs for the first time but it's not dominating my thoughts. I've moved back in with my parents for a little while and it's just nice being looked after. Takes a weight off my mind, knowing that I'm going home to people who just make fun of my hair, rather than ever being shocked by it. I'm not sure how I'm going to be if I have to shave what I have left off - I think there will be a lot tears but if it has to happen, then it has to happen...
I'm off on holiday at the end of this week, so I'll be in touch when I'm back to let you know how my new hair is!
At 6:31pm on April 15, 2008, Kelly said…
Can you tell me if my pics look right now? THanks!
At 12:45pm on April 15, 2008, Late K8 said…
Hi Sarah,
Thanks for adding me as a friend and the welcome. I am looking forward to meeting with you. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help with getting a group started. I still don't have a job in the area so I have time available :-)
At 12:40pm on April 15, 2008, Orbit said…
Hi Sarah! Yes that's my guy, we celebrated 16 years together this January and went to British Columbia to snowboarding to celebrate. We've been engaged for 5 years now, we're working on the 20 year plan, we figure that by then we should "know for sure" and will get married then, - there's no need to rush things!!!

I am going to take some bald photos, we're moved our photography studio, but plan to take some shots when we're back up and organized, you'll be the first to know ;-D
At 6:18am on April 15, 2008, Lee said…
pretty good....I'm not sure if I like him...or where it's going though..see, we met when I was drunk..and when we went out, I was usually drinking, last couple of times we hung out, I was sober...and he's really not very attractive ; ( LOL I'm not sure how to tell him that in a nice way.
At 5:15am on April 15, 2008, Erica said…
Hi Sarah,
It's great being able to put faces to the names. You wear the bald look and your wigs so well and your family look adorable.
Apart from Orbit and Lee, are there more of us here too?
At 11:55pm on April 14, 2008, kastababy said…
Hey Sarah,

Those are actually my nieces and nephew. Michaela is 4, Alexa is 9 months old, and Michael is 8 months old. I've been doing good, just busy as ever!!! Thanks for the compliment!!!


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