Natalie's Comments

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At 5:41am on December 12, 2009, Lee said…
Hi Natalie! I like it here so far. People are much nicer and calmer than in NYC ; ) I have a freedom wig also. How long have you had yours? I have 2 actually. I like them...wish they made them longer though ; /
At 3:57am on December 6, 2009, Lee said…
Hi Natalie! Just wanted to introduce myself. I just moved to the DC area a few months ago from NY. How do you like it?
At 7:00pm on December 5, 2009, Jesus Chick and Mom-Abre said…
Thanks for the reply on my discussion, Natalie! Actually I do have a few questions. How much was your freedom wig? How long did it take to get it? Thanks again!
At 10:02pm on December 2, 2009, Elie Haddad said…
Thanks for the comment natalie ( which is also my sisters name) You are right support is the most important thing people can give or recieve if alopecia is the case or not. Having somone be behind you nomatter what the issue is a very helpfull thing. the hard part is getting her on here shes very behind closed doors about the fact, only our immediate family know and she feels like people will judge her different if she came out with it, but i always tell her beauty is on the inside and if people look at you different then those are not the people you want to associate with. I noticed you are open about it and post pictures bravo for you hun and good luck with all your adventures!!!
At 5:44pm on December 1, 2009, Makayla M said…
Just curious, you said you grew up in the MIlwaukee area, what high school did you go to? I went to Arrowhead.
At 3:02pm on December 1, 2009, Makayla M said…
Hi! Yess, I'm at school in Texas, and love being out of the cold! Haha
I am really glad I joined this site, because I enjoy feeling like I'm not alone. It is especially nice to connect with a fellow Sconnie :)
I got my first wig Wednesday, the 25th, so this is a lot to take in, and I'm glad I'm finding others who I can relate to so well :)
At 8:54pm on November 30, 2009, Angela said…
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly and for the kind words of encouragment...this website is amazing. I live in Phoenix and have ran the PF Changs rock n roll half marathon, and I am running the Fiesta Bowl half this weekend. I have done several smaller 5 and 10ks in the city as well. I love it, and it is my "therapy" too :)
Your wig is absolutely beautiful! Where did you purchase a freedom wig?
At 12:48pm on November 30, 2009, Lionel said…
Thankyou for your comment! :D
At 4:55pm on November 29, 2009, Angela said…
You are such an inspiration...I am a runner as well, and am in the middle of my training for my first full hair loss started a few weeks ago and has been such an emotional time for me that I've slacked on my training. I am considering just running the half marathon again this year and training for a full when I'm emotionally prepared. After reading your profile, I feel a bit more confident that things WILL get easier.
At 1:04pm on November 26, 2009, Sofia said…
Thank you and happy thanksgiving.
At 9:30am on November 26, 2009, Callie said…
Thanks for the comments on my profile, and blog! I've never been to Wisconsin, but I hear you get some cold weather over there, lol. Of course we see our fair share of that here in NE Ohio, too. :o) And thanks for letting me know I can ask anything when it comes to my AA. I am doing wigs right now, still scarves on some days, since I still have some hair in back and on the sides. But I've decided, when I get to 50% loss, I may just go ahead and shave it off! I see my doc again in a few weeks, so I'm kinda waiting for that as well.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! :o)
At 9:18pm on November 24, 2009, Jessica Lau said…
Oh, and btw...good luck on the LSAT...I'm actually in my first year of law school, with finals coming up in a couple of weeks! Good luck in your applications, if you do decide to go that route :)
At 9:17pm on November 24, 2009, Jessica Lau said…
Hey Natalie! There's a fun bar called the Stumble Inn...I think it's at 76th and least within a few blocks from there. They usually play pretty good music and they have beer pong tables in the back. I hope you have a great time in NYC, it's my favorite place in the world!! Thanks for the comments, and I love your story!
At 12:34pm on November 24, 2009, Melissa Harris said…
Hey there! Thanks for the note! Yeah, I've done small races before, but I've always wanted to do longer ones. I have friends that do. My attitude is just so defeated now. I'm like paralyzed right now. It's like going through the motions and really it sucks. I know I need to snap out of it. It's been harder than I thought. I just feel in my heart like this is so stupid to try to hang on and I'm just buying time now but I know with this AA, you never know what will happen. I'm talking with another girl on here that never lost all of her hair yet either and she had it for like 7 years with the same pattern. She has never had a lot treatments either which is crazy. You just never know!!! So I'm gonna just try to have some joy in between the doubt and just hope that the shedding will stop. My kids really help me because Iove them so much!! They make life worth living for me and I don't want to miss anything that they do or say! I find myself scanning their heads now, I know it's terrible! I wish they would find a cure for this, people shouldn't have to go through this but I guess we need to move on! Life is still good! Happy Thanksgiving and have a great run! So glad that this stupid thing doesn't got you down!! Be in touch! Melissa
At 12:15pm on November 24, 2009, Lionel said…
Well, I have accepted it more since I got it, partly because I know how positively people react when they know about it, as you said.
It's cool that you played guitar too! Do you still do it sometimes? It can be very relaxing and fun.
At 11:19am on November 24, 2009, Lionel said…
Hey, thanks for your comment and for reading my blog.
I am trying to be more open about alopecia, I think it will help me accept it more.
Thank you too for sharing your story and pictures, it's nice to know how people deal with it!
At 8:48pm on November 23, 2009, Melissa Harris said…
Natalie, Thanks for getting to me right away! Wow, you have been so helpful! I think I need to send you a Starbucks card or something! LOL! I would love to go to DC someday! too! Wish were are all in one city so we could all unite and go out! That would be fun! Yeah, I looked at the Freedom Wig website and I saw on there that Karen works out in hers, she has a 2nd workout wig! I think I would like to have at least two. I went out today in my cheap wig with a hat. No one really noticed me at all. I was way more worried about it. I wouldn't really need it, but I have some spots on the back top now so I'm really scared that they will show through now. What a way to live!! I'm so tired of it! I had a little less shedding today, but so what! This stupid thing never stops! I'm just buying time I think at this point! Don't want to worry about it any more! I think I may go talk to someone about this for myself too. It really is hard. My husband said its ok and he loves me no matter with or without hair. I felt a little better but I still told him I was sorry like as if I had some control over this myself. I hate that my daughters will worry about me, so I need to figure out how to deal with that too. I froze my head off because it was cool today and I'm not totally bald! I couldn't imagine walking around in the cold with no hair! I've had a ton of hair all my life! Ahhh, thanks again for listening!! How are you doing? Are you still training for your race? I used to run all the time and I totally quit!! I dont know why I cant start again!! Like I'm punishing myself! It's so stupid! You really inspire me! Please keep in touch and let me know how you are doing! Melissa
At 12:45pm on November 23, 2009, Melissa Harris said…
Thanks Natalie for the honest feedback. I guess you just dont know what you are gonna do until you get there and for everyone it is different. I admire you going to the gym like that. At our gym people are very into the looks think and I dont think I would be comfortable going back there at all. I was just wondering if you really wanted to, could you try to wear it and it would stay on your head ok or not?? Probably not, but I guess I'm wishful thinking. What did you do for your panic attacks? I' having those as well and it's very frustrating. I don't know how I' gonna react every second, it's a little scary. Maybe I was thinking of wearing a different wig at night but I'm sure that is uncomfortable too. Has your hair grown on you head at all or do you just shave it? I wonder if we let it grow, what your happen? Spots all over again? Who knows! I understand the shaving and moving on though. Probably way less nerve wracking! Thanks for the positive vibes, I'm just trying to hold on now and see what happens. It's not the best way to live, so I'm hoping there will be resolution soon. Thanks again and be in touch! Melissa :)
At 1:05pm on November 20, 2009, Melissa Harris said…
Thanks for the reply! I was so worried that you were gonna judge me! I'm so glad that you understand! Duh! I think I just feel that way because I feel so stupid doing it. I just don't want to grow it back and then it just fall out again. What a bummer! How did you feel when that happened to you? Is that when you decided to shave your head? I just have no way of knowing whats gonna happen, so I guess I will try this once and see what happens. I can't see myself doing this forever. It would be too hard mentally. I just want to be normal again. Tired of the fight! I had a question, I know you run and workout, can you wear your wig or do you not wear it? Do you wear it to bed? I know they say you shouldn't but I was thinking I would want to since my kids are always coming to our bed in the middle of the night. I just can't break it to my kids about the hair loss, I'm not sure why. They think everything is ok now. They are very young. I'm pretty good about sheltering them from what I have been going through. I guess if I need to ever shave, then they will know, LOL! Anyways, thanks for the eyebrow info. My friend that doesn't have AA, tatted her eyebrows and they look really dark and dramatic. I'm not sure if I like them. I think maybe other people that might do a better job somewhere else. I live in New Mexico, so we are pretty limited here. My alopecia doctor is in Dallas because there are no good doctors here in my opinion for what we have. I went to one before and she gave me bad dents in my head. Never went back. The doctor in Dallas always give me shots and I never have had a problem with them. I will keep you posted on the treatments. I just started so nothing has happened yet. I go back to the doctor in Dec. Thanks again for all the feedback!! You have been a great and I appreciate you! Take care and talk soon!! Melissa
At 1:35am on November 20, 2009, Melissa Harris said…
Natalie, Hi there! I'm currently shedding still but I did start the oral steroids. That's why I asked you about them. I know they are BAD. I can't stop the treatments at this point and I feel like such a total jackass for doing it! I dont know what is wrong with me. I found a story of another lady that did them too and she still has her hair so far. My doctors reassured me a thousand times to do it because I didn't want to either. They told me to just do it or it would probably get a lot worse. I thinking it will either way, but I guess I'm stuck on stupid over here thinking that it will stay. I asked them how much will fall out after I stop the meds and they said like 10% is normal after and they have seen others keep the growth. I don't know if they are lying or what. All the people that I have met on the net have different stories so I really don't know what to think anymore. I'm just really in a hard place right now. I'm being totally honest with you now. I didn't want to broadcast it on the blogs because I know it is stupid. At this point, I dont want to let it go! I'm glad that you are adjusting well to the wig. That is a relief to me to hear. While you were waiting for your FW, what did you wear? I just don't like thinking about the period in between! I will not go bald, I'm just not like that, I wish that I was! What's going on with your eyebrows? Did you find something for that yet? Keep in touch Nat, I'm so glad that I have you to talk to. Thanks again! Melissa


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