Lee's Comments

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At 9:12am on January 28, 2009, Jill said…
Thanks for the comment on the blog. I've had AU for quite some time now and had to be one of the most disturbing things that has happened to me. Your wig looks great!
At 10:09am on January 22, 2009, J said…
Hey! Thanks for the friend add. I live in NYC, too! I should come by to one of your shows sometime. =]
At 7:50pm on December 26, 2008, Alexandra said…
Hi Lee!
Thanks for responding to my blog about vacuum wigs. I'm hearing really great things about those Freedom Wigs, so if ever I need to get one, I'm pretty sure that's the company I'll contact.
You said that none of those companies offered long blonde wigs. (Darn! Haha) I'm sure they did offer wigs that were blonde, though, right? How long was the longest blonde wig for sale? I'm either considering blonde or bright strawberryish red. I'm sure that's not too natural, but shoot for the stars, ey?
Have you had any experience bleaching or dying your wigs? If so, how did it turn out?
Thanks again for responding! Happy holidays!
At 1:28am on December 24, 2008, amanda~ said…
Hi Lee,
Just wanted to say hello and tell you that you look great and I love the color of your new wig. I definitely understand your frustration wtih the insurance companies. Although I live in Canada & I know it's a bit different, I do understand the agrivation of hearing "it's cosmetic and not necessary" I think that is complete & total garbage and it's easy to say things like that when you don't know what you're talking about, but not when you're knee deep in it. Keep us posted.
At 1:36pm on December 19, 2008, Kimberly said…
Hi there. I have just been told I have Alopecia Areata. I have my own hair and currently the spots are hidden. What kind of wig do you wear? I read that you went swimming and it didn't come off. How much did it cost?
At 2:16pm on December 17, 2008, Donna Schillaci said…
Hi Lee,
How are you. I see you've been talking with my buddy Debbie Fuller. She's a great gal! What part of the country do you live in? Look forward to chatting with you in the future. Happy Holidays
At 9:32am on December 17, 2008, Debbi Fuller said…
Hi Lee,
Feel free to share those comments with anyone who will listen!!
Merry Christmas! - or, whatever!!
At 7:49am on December 15, 2008, Debbi Fuller said…
Hi Lee,
You're right. They really are SO worth the price and I've often heard of people paying even MORE for a net base!! Why would anyone do that? As for Leslie's comment, I don't get it. I don't wear a vacuum because I swim or ski, I wear it because it looks more REAL!! The security is a big plus of coarse, but the main reason is how great it looks!
At 11:58am on December 13, 2008, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Since I am not a swimmer or soccer player, et al, I really don't need a vacuum wig. I have some that stay on really well with a poly base, but they are too hot for me. I prefer the ones that have more ventilation.
At 7:29am on December 13, 2008, Debbi Fuller said…
Hi Lee,
That's GREAT! I know it's scary at first, but they DO stay on just fine for swimming! You need to find yourself a 'sugar daddy' to buy you hair, hehehe!!
At 12:38pm on December 10, 2008, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hey Lee, that is fantastic that you are enjoying my book! I'm so happy about that. And it's a great idea to give it to your guy to read as well.
Remember, there's nothing wrong with hiding your alopecia. Don't be ashamed of wanting to wear a wig. Acceptance means that you love yourself and who you are, whether you want to go without hair, or always wear it. I choose to wear a wig at all times -- I have for 30 years -- that's my preference, and I don't feel badly about myself for my choice.
Big hugs!
At 10:07am on November 27, 2008, rj, Co-founder said…
At 4:42pm on November 19, 2008, Kelli said…
Hi Lee - Thanks for commenting on my mono discussion. I think it is interesting to learn more about people and health issues/symptoms that we share. This may lead us to know more about why people may develop alopecia and if we share this information with each other, we might be on to something!! I thought that was what these message boards are for :). Its unfortunate that other people on the boards are so negative about trying to discover more out about alopecia and look down upon us because we want to learn more about each other!
At 10:50pm on November 9, 2008, bee. said…
sorry i've been so out of touch lately, i never get on here much anymore, i've been in like this depression hole lately. BUT i use i don't even know what their called, haha...it's just eyelashes you can buy in makeup at Walmart or any other drugstore, really. I use number 33's mostly, the longer and the darker is always better for me. But if you like lighter ones then you just get whichever ones suit you best. It's actually easiest if you put your eyeliner and eyeshadow on before eyelashes, like, put eyeliner on the top too and do your shadow just like you would, then put the lashes on.
I miss talking to you though! i hope all is well, stay positive and remember that you're freakin' beautiful with or without hair, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Im actually strugging with that alot lately, i forget that even if i do see myself as beautiful alot of other people do, and that always helps me, lol. But hopefully i'll talk to you soon!
At 1:28am on October 16, 2008, Sharon said…
Hi Lee I was reading on a message here that you are willing to share eye make up tips. Nicole is 12 tomorrow and has a few top eyelashes in the middle of each lid and no lower lashes or eyebrows. She wears false eyebrows which are great (not sure what to do when swimming season arrives tho could be interesting at school) when she wears eyeliner it looks great but I just don't think she is comfortable wearing makeup at school yet. She finds it really difficult to get her false eyelashes on and has given up on them. If you have any tips we would be very appreciative of them.

Cheers Sharon
At 6:55pm on October 15, 2008, kelley said…
Lee, I am 31 and just shaved my head this weekend...what an emotional time! Debbie Fuller did it...I just got a vacuum prosthesis...I saw your pic on her website...did she do yours too? Im having such a hard time with this...It helps looking through this site and finding people young like me...dealing with it...
At 8:00pm on September 20, 2008, Terri said…
Hey Lee:

Your pictures are great. Your hairpieces look wonderful. I have a 12 year old with AU. She has had this for 3 years. I am not currently pleased w/ our hairpiece. Where do you get yours from? I like what you told Inez about a high pony tail. That is the one thing that my little girl misses so much. She wears a vacuum sealed wig with real hair, but I just dont like this one. It is frizzy and wavy and thin. It was about $2600.00! Tell me more about your hair pieces!
At 7:26pm on September 16, 2008, Nezz said…
Hi Lee thanks for the advice :)
I'll keep you posted on what does on with this head, hehe
Take care
At 8:18am on September 16, 2008, Orbit said…
Hi Lee! Thanks for the kind compliment! Its sometimes hard to tell online but I think that with your complexion you could certainly pull off being a redhead :-) (even if its just for a few nights of fun with the beau!!). Hope all is going well for you down in NYC. Have yourself a great day beautiful!
At 3:06pm on September 11, 2008, Nezz said…
Hey Lee, how have u been doing?
I'm still wig hunting and have a few questions for u! hehe.
Not many people ask this but is quite important to me, can u put your hair in a ponytail, bun or just a really low ponytail? Can u do anything with clips and slides with it like u can with real hair? Or would the "false scalp" be noticeable?
Would soo apretiate if u could let me know, especially interested in the vacuum one but do't mind knowing about the other as I would have to get a synthetic whilst waiting for the vacuum if i were to decide on one.
Hope u'r coping well!
Take care,


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