Shannon's Comments

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At 11:29pm on August 10, 2008, rj, Co-founder said…
Hi, Shannon. I believe I just read an article about you wanting to help others cope with alopecia, if indeed you are the same Shannon mentioned in this article. Either way, I'm grateful that you are a member of Alopecia World and certainly wish you great joy and good success in your endeavors. :-)
At 12:40am on August 10, 2008, CSue said…
I really enjoyed your photos. Love the blue scarf. I haven't mastered the "art" of wearing scarves yet. Anyway, lovely photos.
At 11:57pm on July 26, 2008, Samantha said…
I know! It's great to be able to shower and go! I actually just had my follow up appointment today for eyebrows and eyeliner. Having them done made me feel whole again. And, I too, am getting a lot of regrowth in my eyebrows. Very excited! My hair is also growing back in places that I had lost it...but I still remain hairless everywhere else (but who's complaining about that).
BTW...I was reading on one of your webpages that someone said they "hated" your son's mohawk...makes him look like a gangbanger???....Mohawks rock and if I ever have to shave my head I'm starting w/ a bright pink mohawk! And I work w/ gangbangers everyday and not one has a mohawk.
At 8:25pm on July 26, 2008, Samantha said…
Ummmm you look amazing w/ no hair!
At 3:00pm on July 25, 2008, Jessica said…
Thanks this a picture from back in January 2 days after may 30th b-day maybe one of the only ones I've got. I've never been a picture person even with hair. You look beautiful with and with out hair my oldest daughter was next to me when i was writing you once and she said mommy she is really pretty.
I've been getting shots now for gosh 10 months had complete regrowth but around April i didn't go in for shots for about 10 wks and that's when it started to fall out again in spots. I'm really not sure if I should keep getting them if it's just gonna fall out again.
Who knows I may not even had that choice to make anymore seeing that they're not working that great anymore and now my eyebrows are thinning and female hair has started to fall out. Guess that last one isn't all that bad.
I would love to know of to make the head covers they are really pretty. It's very cool how you have them in colors to go with your clothes.
I to will go with a synthetic wig next time like i said before the real hair one was so much money thought it was gonna be like my own hair but didn't like it at all. Rene of Paris seems to be a very popular brand. Do they get very hot in the summer guess thats a dumb question? Have you ever used a Vacuum wig wonder how they feel? Guess thats what I'm most scared of getting used to having something on my head and looking silly in a wig that looks really wiggy. Your wigs really look great and so real. I really don't want to sound creepy but you've really made an impact on me. Just seeing you your beauty and confidence really come out in your pictures. It really gives me peace that if I go AU that maybe I will get to the same place your at with myself.
At 1:41am on July 24, 2008, Jessica said…
Wow!! It looks like real hair. I actually got a real hair wig and I really don't like it at all the texture is not the same as mine was. Looked really bad on me so didn't wear it much. The email address on my page to myspace has a picture of what I looked like before the AA started. Then on my friends list my friend Jenn has a picture of me after I shaved my head with the regrowth so you can put a pic with a face think it's on page on her last pic page. So did your wig come with a style or do you have to get it cut? Also where do you find such pretty head covers.

At 3:44pm on July 23, 2008, Jessica said…
Hi Shannon,
Wow you've really been through the ringer with the hair ups and downs. I've had total regrowth aside of a couple of spots but still you never know what will happen. So I don't get too excited. I do enjoy everyday with my own hair but actually after seeing so many beautiful people living with AU wig or no wig really gave peace with it. I too have much more to chat about but will email later because Aiden is up from his nap.

At 1:45pm on July 18, 2008, Jessica said…
Hi Shannon thank for accepting me as a friend. love your picks you look great!!! I too have 3 kids 2 girls and a boy like you.

hope to chat with you soon.

At 8:59pm on July 8, 2008, Diane said…
Hi Shannon,
I don't mink you asking me question: you are from the 'big' coalition of adoptive-parents and you are an alopecian ;-) )
My girls are both from Gansu, a province in the Northern-West part of China, on the Silk Road. If you want more details about adoption in China, do not hesitate to e-mail me: even if I'm from Canada, all the procedures are the same in China, no matter where you are from and I have a lot links to interesting web site about it.
At 9:38pm on July 7, 2008, Diane said…
Bonjour Shannon,
I just went to your website and read your post about 'Coming to America' and 'A Special Connection'.... I have tears in my eyes... Building a family through adoption is sometimes (always I shall say!!) very hard but the joy we have after!! :)))
Again, congratulation for your familly!
Pround of mom of 2 daughters from China
At 7:05am on July 7, 2008, Lori D. said…
Thank you Shannon! Such nice comments.... Maybe someday we can really hang in person even. We had a great time in much wildlife; we saved a baby raccoon and watched baby robins from just after being hatched to flying off on their own...and then of course there were moose, deer, horses, loons, mink, so many animals. It was a great dose of mother nature that always leaves me feeling good inside, you know? We came back to humidity, ick!!! I hope everyone is well on your end. take care, Lori
At 7:56pm on July 6, 2008, Lori D. said…
Hey girlfriend! I finally left some pics so you can put a face to "Lori D." I hope you are enjoying the summer so far.
At 7:37pm on June 25, 2008, Lori D. said…
Hello Shannon! I'm still figuring it all out...but it looks great. Everyone is so positive! Personally, I can never get enough of that kind of thing. I hope you are enjoying the summer. We're leaving early Saturday morning for Moosehead Lake in Maine...(and yes, there are MANY moose!). take care,
At 12:46pm on June 25, 2008, Billie said…
Hi! Stopping by to say hello and let you know I went to your blogger page. I have enjoyed reading thru Perla's parlor!
Thanks for sharing the link. You have a beautiful family whom I will bet have alot of fun! Nice to meet such an inspiring person!
At 12:20pm on June 18, 2008, Julia said…
Wanted to stop by to say hello since I was on here...

Everything is on track!!!

Take Care!
At 7:51pm on June 9, 2008, Katiebug said…
Hey! I'm doing pretty good, how are you? I never had aa until about 10 months after I had my baby but I think all the hormonal changes was what set it off. It makes me a little nervous to have another one but I really want another baby so I try not to let that affect my decision! Well, I hope you're doing well, you look so beautiful in all your pictures!
The hardest part of this whole thing is not knowing, and I think the in between stage is the hardest, but it seems like people adjust really well once they come out on the other side of this. I have to admit I get pretty upset sometimes still, but I try to focus on the positive things in my life!
Well, hope to hear from you soon!

Oh by the way, my daughter is 2 and I was just wondering if you had any advice on how to explain this to her. I never want it to freak her out or think I'm not normal or something. Thanks again! - Katie
At 9:10am on June 7, 2008, François said…
Hi again Shannon,
Yes you saw my 14 year old daughter & my 9 year old son.
Thanks for the good words they are really appreciated...

At 8:50am on June 7, 2008, Kate said…
No my Mum and Dad are both from the UK and are still here, but we used to holiday a lot in the US. I remember when we came to Utah actually, the security guy at border control thought we were a kind of strange family coming all that way just for some really good mountain biking!! We had a great time though, well worth it!
I do feel very lucky that I have managed to come to terms with it really fast. I thought maybe I was kidding myself and was worried that I wasn't worried about my hair enough! But I did have a few days when I just could not stop crying as it all seemed so alien. But I got lots of cuddles and figured that things could be worse.
Now I really love my head and my hair, though I am not confident enough to show anyone my bald head yet other than family and my two best friends, who are as good as family anyway! I also think that I am not aiming to be able to go blad. I am not hiding away, I just feel better when I have my hair on - just like wearing make up really.
Anyway, hope you are all having a great weekend! x
At 5:09am on June 7, 2008, Salmezan said…
Thanks! I try ;)
At 12:49am on June 7, 2008, Salmezan said…
I thought about it, but only old chinese women tattoo their eyebrows here and they don't look very nice lol. After a while drawing eyebrows have become quite an art for me, but sometimes like bad hair days you tend to get bad eyebrow days too!


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