Sgomez's Comments

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At 1:00am on July 21, 2009, JeffreySF said…
Hi Sarah,
I think I have the spelling of your name finally right.
My dad seems to be doing fine.
Looks like NBO AZ Style was awesome!!!

At 4:41pm on July 17, 2009, JeffreySF said…
Hi Sara,

Looks like everything is on hold.
My dad has to get an angiogram before anything else.
Thanks for your prayers.

At 10:24pm on July 15, 2009, JeffreySF said…
I hope so.

I just got a call that my dad is going in for surgery tomorrow. He has Cancer plus a bad heart so I hope everything goes okay. If not you might be seeing me sooner than later.....My family is pretty dysfunctional so I could use a reality check.

I'll let you know what happens.

At 5:23pm on July 15, 2009, JeffreySF said…
You're welcome.

I tried to get something together here but it just didn't happen this year.

At 4:58pm on July 15, 2009, JeffreySF said…
Hip hip Horray!!!

I'm so proud of you!!!

Have a Blast!!!

At 6:59pm on July 14, 2009, JeffreySF said…
Thats nice that you have a good turn out for your meetings.
Where do you usually hold them?

A group of us always meets for pizza before the meeting.
I love our group.

At 4:27pm on July 14, 2009, Karina said…
Mil gracias!! Es que no entiendo porque la gente se toma el derecho de burlarse de alguien por algo..Nadioe es Dios.Dos preguntitas más...que tipo de pelucas usas? A quién le contaste de tu problema? Apresurada me compré una peluca en una casa judía de pelo natural pero después de inas horas me raspa la frente.
At 12:30pm on July 13, 2009, Karina said…
Gracias por tus cálidas palabras!! Quería preguntarte si se soporta usar una peluca todos los días (sobre todo en verano), si tuvistes alguna mala experiencia con ellas, si alguien se dio cuenta y se burló. Como verás soy super insegura y le doy mucha importancia a la quisiera decirla a todo el mundo mi problema..
At 12:16am on July 13, 2009, JeffreySF said…
116 Yikers!!!

If I come to AZ to visit my family I will have to hook up with you.
My Mom is in Gilbert and my Dad in Chandler. Hey you are right in the middle.
How's your local NAAF Group? How many participants?


At 3:20pm on July 10, 2009, Karina said…
Hi ! What a beautiful story!! I´m from Argentina!! I´m very scared cause I dñint want to lose my hair..I have telogen effluvium..and I don´t know what it woould be life with a wig..Is it comfortable? What type of wig is it?
At 11:19pm on July 9, 2009, JeffreySF said…
Hi Sara,

I dont miss those scorching summer days. I don't know if I told you but I lived in Chadler for 5 years back in the 80's

Hope the kids aren't driving you too crazy!!!

At 11:18pm on July 8, 2009, JeffreySF said…
Hey Miss Gomez,

How you holding up in the heat?
Saw you online so stopped in to say hello.

At 9:12am on July 2, 2009, Lauren said…
I will see if I have to work, if not we would love to go. The only thing is being July in Arizona I don't think I would have her go "bald" more likely to wear a bandana so her head doesn't get fried.
At 12:17pm on May 7, 2009, Erica said…
Hi Sara,
Summers don't really get hot but a great summer's day in Scotland is the best weather anywhere - it's just we only get about two of them a year. It's not too hot, not humid, just nice, sunny and you might even get a tan! We can sunbathe on the beach, but you need to make sure that when you go, you don't just pack a towel. You also need a windbreaker, an umbrella, a big woolly jumper and waterproofs as well as your swimsuit, just in case.

I have another job interview tomorrow so the wig will be going back on in my attempt to impress! I always worry that prospective employers will see my scalp sneaking out and think I'm some mad punk who likes to shave her head on her days off. Has the recession hit you at all? I've been unemployed since February now and am getting thoroughly tired of filling in forms and going to interviews. Although to be honest, I could be doing with more interviews!
At 8:20am on April 22, 2009, Erica said…
Female intuition! You should post a picture of your freedom wig - would love to see it.
I'm pretty good. Quite a lot of my hair has been growing back in of late which is great. I just wish the rest of it would catch up! I really want to get a new wig though as I'd love a ridiculous one to wear out clubbing. I'm not too bothered about wearing my wigs at any other time just now, I just like to not show off the bald bits at the back of my head when I'm in a crowd of strangers. I don't care about my friends and family seeing it but sometimes appearance counts!

Are you looking forward to a hot summer? I guess it gets crazily hot for you. In Scotland the past two summers have been terrible - rain all the time and about two days of nice sunshine. Fingers crossed that this year it's going to be nicer!
At 4:19pm on April 21, 2009, Jessica Picardi said…
Hi does seem like forever! I hope you and your family are doing well. Let me know when the meetings are and we will definitely be there. As for any ideas for the kids is getting HOT so maybe Makutu's island?? I am not sure of the age group of all the kids but that place is cool inside and fun for the kids....or Amazing Jakes? Well, we are out of town the week of June 7th but other than that, we have no plans. Let me know if I can help. Take to you soon. Congrats on being almost done with school!!
At 8:55pm on April 20, 2009, Jessica Picardi said…
Hi Sara! It has been a while...I just wanted to say hello. How is school going? My email @ work changed and I haven't seen any notices for meetings lately...I hope we did not miss any. I will talk to you soon!!
At 5:12pm on April 16, 2009, Erica said…
Hi S,
Just wanted to say that I'm loving the wig in your profile pic. So glossy!

E x
At 12:25am on March 3, 2009, Amy Bard said…
Good to hear from you. So you are going to the convention? I would liketo go, I may make plans to go next yr. Glad school is going well. Hope your family is all ok. Will be in touch soon.
At 10:26pm on February 22, 2009, Amy Bard said…
Glad to hear from you. How is school going? Things are well here. Just staying busy w/ the kids and work. Are you going to the convention? I don't guess I'll be going. My husband only has a week of vacation and he is using that in April for us to go to Vegas. And I don't want to go to Houston by myself. Well don't take so long to get in touch next time. Take care.


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