Sarah's Comments

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At 9:05pm on August 16, 2012, Deejay said…

well my hair doesn't fall out anymore. But yes i do need to see a dermatologist. From what most people are saying, the shots don't really work. I don't have a lot to invest into this cause right now so i'm trying to invest into solutions that have shown some success. Of course i know we're all different so our results may differ. Do you have the website?

At 4:56pm on August 16, 2012, Deejay said…
Well i've had alopecia areata for 20yrs. since I've spent all this time hiding it it has progressed to a 80% hairloss. I just started simple treatments. an ointment called Jamaican black castor oil for about a month. sum vitamins including bioten and UT . I have vellous hair on my bald spots and have light white hair growing along my hairline quite slowly so I know all my follicles aren't dead. hurray ! Lol.. but what are they called and where did you get them? Any other tips? :)
At 11:52pm on August 15, 2012, Deejay said…

Hi Sarah, Thanks for the add. I was meaning to ask you about the success yu had with the herbal supplements(?) i think it was.. correct me if i'm wrong. From the looks of your pics they really worked for you. I hope you're having good day.. :)

At 1:59am on July 11, 2012, Jennah said…

When I googled Methotrexate it said one of the side effects of taking the medication is hair loss, how does that work?

At 12:38am on July 11, 2012, Jennah said…

Makes me feel like an old lady for some reason having all this hairloss :(

At 12:37am on July 11, 2012, Jennah said…

Wow thats a few things I have never heard of! I have only been to one dermtologist as there is only one in Dunedin. I am unable to go back to him atm as he is very expensive and don't have the funds at the moment. Can a regular doctor prescribe these for me do you think. I am not sure how to go about asking? any ideas How did you doc come to the conclusion to use these particular drugs? I am just curious? When did your hairloss start? and was it around a stressful time? I have had a few people say to me mine is probably stress induced. But it has been going on for over a year and a half. It helps talking to people such as yourself whe understand. I will try get some pics to upload for ya:) thanks for your help! Jen xox :)

At 8:47am on July 10, 2012, Jennah said…

Yeah its the first time I have had alopecia. Have been experiencing the shedding for around a year and three quarters. Have seen dermatologists here in New Zealand and the only thing I was put on was Spironalactone. I was on 100mg per day, but am down to only 50 mg a day as I was experiencing bad side effects, such as headaches and nasea. Can you tell me more about the medications you are on and how they work. No am not bald I just have very very thin hair which is worse around the centre ..I hate it so much. I wear wigs at times as I feel very self conscious about people looking at my thin hair!!!. How long have you had alopecia. When did it start to get better for you and why do you think that is. I am desperate to find something to grow my hair back!!! :) xox thanks for replying :) hope you are doing well :)

At 12:21pm on June 26, 2012, LeslieAnn Butler said…

I'm in Portland, OR, USA. There are Butler rallies (reunions) at Kilkenny Castle every three years. There's one this August. Google "The Butler Society, Kilkenny Castle."

At 2:44pm on June 24, 2012, LeslieAnn Butler said…

Hey, maybe we are related! Have you been to Kilkenny Castle in Ireland? The Butlers owned it until 1967.

At 4:31pm on June 13, 2012, LeslieAnn Butler said…

Hello and welcome, Sarah!
How are you today?
Leslie Ann

At 8:40pm on June 1, 2012, Jennah said…

Hi Sarah! thanks for the friend request. My hair is looking much the same as yours in your photos on the top at the moment!. I find it so hard going into social situations like this it makes me feel so horrible. I know that sounds stupid, but I feel really self concious! I have just started taking Fusion supplements and I would be really interested in hearing more about you condition and success with them :)

I feel like I need to wear a wig to cover my hairloss, but on the other hand when I do I still feel uncomfortable. As I said would be intersted to hear about you and your condition as I don't often get a chance to talk to people about it who understand where I am coming from. And seeing as we are basically neigbours lol. My mum is From Australia and her side of the family all live over there, so I love Aussies :) xo look forward to hearing from you, thanks so much for replying to my discussion :) Jennah xox

At 6:24am on May 25, 2012, Vesna Devcic said…

Hi Sarah
Welcome to AW and hope you join our Australia Alopecia Areata Foundation group on here to meet other Aussies! I am from Melbourne myself and we have a Trivia Night on 2nd June happening soon and we are always catching up for Coffee/ Pizza nights! See us on facebook as well and (thanks Riana :)) Take care and chat soon :D


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