Nicole's Comments

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At 7:53pm on April 10, 2008, Dee Connelly said…
HI I am glad that you love your tatoos too. It just give one definition in your face, especially when you have not put any makeup on yet!
At 10:46pm on April 9, 2008, mary said…
Your story about when you first experienced alopecia sounds so familiar. I'm sure it sounds familiar to alot of people. For the past year there has been no one I could talk to that truly understood what I was going through. I feel so Isolated and actually paralyzed. Your story has given me some strength. So, thank you.
At 8:11pm on April 9, 2008, Babe said…
oh well congratulations on your big day!! thats so exciting!! and i think im going to go this year, its my first year but its a lot of poeple ive talked to first years so it should be lots and lots of fun!!
At 3:30pm on April 9, 2008, Dee Connelly said…
HI , I hope you are enjoying the cosmetic surgery you had done. I too have had my done. I absolutely love it.
At 12:50pm on April 9, 2008, Donna Evans said…
I never would have known that your eye brows are tattooed on. Excellent job by the tattoo artist! I hope that if my eyebrows fall out I will be able to find someone who can do such a beautiful job.
At 3:41pm on April 8, 2008, Katey said…
Your eyebrow/lashline tattoos look amazing!! I also am writing to ask you something. I was just curious what type of wig you have and where you got it. It looks fantastic! I like the ones I get... but they are very pricey so I don't get them as often as I'd like. So, I am just looking at some other ones out there. Have a good day! :)
At 10:10am on April 8, 2008, Dina said…
Hi Nicole, It is so nice to meet you! I am from Rhode Island and yes, we have had a long, cold winter here. Looking forward to the Spring and Summer so much. Nicole, I love your wig, it really looks beautiful on you. I am in the market for a new one but want a change. What kind is yours? Thank you for the message and I look forward to chatting with you!
At 7:43pm on April 7, 2008, Daria said…
Lookin' good, Nicole! I'm going for my consultation with Permanent Cosmetics of Maryland tomorrow. Fingers crossed! If I like her portfolio of work, I'm gonna get it done right then and there!!!!
At 7:04pm on April 7, 2008, Antoinette Fernandez said…
Hi Nicole! Than you for your welcoming! You look great!
At 3:03pm on April 4, 2008, Babe said…
hey nicole! ive been living with alopecia totalis for a little over a year now! started to fall out right before my senior prom and graduation! but it doesnt botter me as it use to becuase i cant control it and there are bigger things going on in life then hair! are you going to the convention in june?
At 11:34pm on April 2, 2008, Babe said…
hey nicole! you seem pretty outgoing, kinda like myself! whats your story?!
At 12:40pm on April 2, 2008, Lori said…
Love the picture above--- those your new brows??
At 12:38pm on April 2, 2008, Lori said…
Hi Nicole- Can't wait to see the pictures of your new look. I live in Laconia, NH.... probably have heard of it because of Bike Week at Wears Beach... Wears is like 5 miles from my house. Cheers. - Lori
At 9:19am on April 2, 2008, Lori said…
Hi Nicole- I was wondering how your eyebrow experience went.... my daughter doesn't have eyebrows, but seems as though no one notices.... yet. Anywho, just curious... I showed your picture to my daughter who has AA and is about to get her first wig and she couldn't believe you were like her because you are so beautiful.... I think she came to a realization that she can be beautiful with or without hair. Thanks. - Lori
At 11:41pm on April 1, 2008, Elizabeth said…
Excuse my bluntness, but where did you get that gorgeous wig from?!
At 10:56am on April 1, 2008, Ashley said…
Thank you so much! You're so sweet!
At 10:25am on April 1, 2008, Daria said…
Cool...thanks. I've actually got an appointment with Susan Davis from Permament Cosmetics of Maryland next week. I want the individual hair look, too - as natural as possible. I think I'm more excited than nervous. I also want the eyeliner, but we'll see how the brows go first! Take care :)
At 3:45pm on March 31, 2008, Ashley said…
Aw, good I'm so glad you got them done! I know you'll love them just like i do! I can't wait to see pics! Thanks so much for the compliment on that picture of mine. I took it a while back whenever i still hadn't quite come to terms with my alopecia, I still took it, & i knew I'd want it someday, but it took me a while to be able to let other see it. I know even have it on my myspace for everyone to see! I've come a long way lately.
At 2:16pm on March 31, 2008, Daria said…
Glad it went well. Tell me about the pain levels (I'm thinking the lash line would hurt more?). Also, did he do individual strokes that look more like hairs or more like a penciled in type brow? I've placed a couple of calls to people here in MD, but haven't scheduled anything yet.
At 8:31pm on March 26, 2008, Lucas Quimby said…
I'm from Albion. I don't know if you are familiar with the town. It's near Waterville.


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