Alexandra's Comments

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At 3:57pm on February 14, 2011, Devin said…
Happy Valentines Day Alexandra!
At 7:03pm on October 18, 2010, Emily said…
Thanks so much for getting back to me! I'm glad to hear that you think the lace front is the way to go. As I mentioned, I'm very happy with the wig as is, but I'm excited to think that it could/will be even better once they put in the lace front!
At 9:34pm on October 17, 2010, Emily said…
Hey Alexandra! I noticed from doing my wig research on Alopecia World that you wear an iwig. I recently purchased one and was wondering what type of front you have on yours. When I placed my order, they did not have the color/length that I needed available in the lace front - just the regular non-lace front. Erica ordered new lace to add to the front of my wig, and I'm currently wearing it around (without the lace) while I wait for that part to come in. I'm hoping you can tell me what type of front you have and if you're happy with it. I'm actually pretty content with the wig as is and don't want to mess with a good thing. At the same time I think the lace front could be pretty great and don't want to miss out on having an even more realistic looking wig. Any insight you might have would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Emily
At 10:27am on October 2, 2010, Lynn said…
What kind was the new wig?
At 9:30am on July 29, 2010, Tallgirl said…
How was the birthday? Don't forget to put your new age on your profile!
At 10:43pm on July 28, 2010, Tallgirl said…
I hope you have a great day and the best soul-searching, friendship-filled birthday week ever! It isn't over until the end of the week...go kiss a stranger while dancing on a table top. I dare you!
At 7:00pm on July 28, 2010, Jocelyn said…
happy birthday!
At 5:06pm on July 28, 2010, Devin said…
Happy Birthday Alexandra I hope your having a fun one!
At 4:21pm on July 28, 2010, Nichole Christian Durand gave Alexandra a gift
At 3:52am on July 28, 2010, Ade said…
hope you have a great birthday Alexandra..... best wishes for today and the future! x
At 11:23am on July 7, 2010, Kimberly said…
Awesome - Thanks so much. I need all the advice I can get.
At 10:29am on July 7, 2010, Kimberly said…
How does it stay on? Is it a vacuum wig? About how much are they, and how long do they last?
At 1:28pm on July 4, 2010, Kimberly said…
Alexandra, I love your hair. What wigs are you using?
At 6:49pm on April 13, 2010, Alison said…
Your wigs look so great! Nice to meet a fellow teacher :) I teach elementary art in Maryland. Love to teach the middle schoolers though!
At 11:18am on March 29, 2010, Jocelyn said…
happy spring break! I teach 5th grade and I am so happy to have this week + off ... enjoy!
At 9:37pm on March 4, 2010, Devin said…
Yeah thanks for the add Alexandra. Its nice to see a fellow central Floridian. I hope all is going well for you!
At 9:49am on February 14, 2010, NORMAN ABBOTT gave Alexandra a gift
At 1:46pm on February 4, 2010, Melissa Harris said…
WOW, really?! Did you give them your custom measurements?! Mine does not feel that secure. It feels like it can fall off at any time or if someone would touch it, it would fall off too. Maybe I just need to get used to it?! I'm not sure! Thanks for the feedback. Be in touch! Melissa
At 12:13pm on February 3, 2010, Melissa Harris said…
Thanks Alexandra! I think these are the best by far too from what I have researched besides the Freedom Wigs, which are different. I had a question for you, how do you attach the IWIGS to your scalp and make them comfortable? I have clips in mine for now, but you never know when I might need to use some other way to attach it! Thanks for the feedback! Melissa
At 10:06pm on January 10, 2010, Melissa Harris said…
Hi Alexandra! I heard that you too have an IWIG? I bought one recently but had to have some changes done to it so i haven't really worn it yet. How long have have you had one? Do you like yours? Mine was a little to puffy on the top and didn't lay flat on my head. Maybe I'm just not used to wearing it yet. I hope it looks as good as yours after they work on it. I see that you went on a boat with it on too! That's awesome! Can you swim in it too? Does yours get really hot? Thanks for any feedback! I appreciate it! Take care! Melissa


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