Jennifer Krahn's Comments

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At 11:53am on March 15, 2009, Christina Bostwick said…
thank you for not only taking the time to read my long drwan out email but to means alot!! i know in my heart that it is just hair and hey everybody fake now so whats the big deal right? but for some reason it is a big deal i have thoght about seeking mental help for this but i have never been the type to need anyone or want anyone in my business i have always been a private person and well i always thought of my self as a strong individual and oh yeah a control freak!!! (and thats putting it lightly) i am over complosive and think everything has to be perfect... you can imagine what this is doing to know i have no control over this is driving me crazy to know that this can happen at anytime scares me and to thik of what other people will think when they know and lets not forget how i feel when i look at myself. all the feeling are new to me and i am doing the best i can coipng with them. my family and hubbs are great and very supportive but no one can tell you its goingt o be ok noone knows that for sure and i just dont think they understand what it feels like. i know i am blessed to have 2 wonderful kiddos and a great husband and family but i find my self sinking into depression anyway...(self pitty i guess) but this disorder has taken me on a world wind and well to be honest i am not sure where all of this will end.(but wwho does with this guessing game?) i find hearng other stories from people make it eaiser to deal with but i still find my self crying sometime (like thats going to regrow my hair i have realized that i am not as strong as i once thought i hope the strong person i knew within my self will return but right now i just feel weak. i want to thank you for your kind words and please know they did give me a lil peace of mind. i want to thank you agin and please keep me posted on how your doing i would luv to have someone to share things with.thanks again!
At 10:49pm on March 14, 2009, Lee said…
Hello...its a Freedom Wig...thank you
At 10:39pm on March 14, 2009, Christina Bostwick said…
hello my name is christina and i wa 1st diagnosied with AA @ 16 (with only one spot) now i am 26 (with yet another spot) i was wondering how your spots appeared the same time or one one day and 2 the next see when i was 16 they told me the cahnce of this happening agian was slim to none and now at 26 i find myself searching for answers such as is this the last time i will get this or with i eventually lose all my hair i am just scared i guess of what could or couldnt i was wondering if you were willing to share your story with me ....i would grately appreciate it thanks a bunch _if this is to personal i understand..and wont bother you agagin. ) but you luv to hear your story if your willing to share..thanks
At 3:47pm on March 12, 2009, François said…
Hi Jenn !
I understand your fears i've been though the same and there's a lot of similarities between you and me. It takes time to accept this thing so give you time.
But remember that you are the same Jenn...Our innerself is what comes through everyday...I"ve had to shave my hair everyday for the last six years and still do but i'm happy......Keep your head up !!!
At 11:20pm on March 11, 2009, Chantal said…
Gisele's wigs is in Saint Boniface area and she gives you a 80% blue cross discount if you have a Rx from a doctor saying you have alopecia and need a wig( you'll need the Rx because her prices are like 500$ per wig. Her phone number is (204) 254-1300. It's a really nice place to go and try on a few + she gives you tips on how to care for them and how to style them(she has AA). After gaining the knowledge of what looks good on me and what I like as in color etc, under my belt I prefer buying my wigs on
e bay! It's perfect! Just look up "wigs" and the ones that have nice manequins you then go into that seller's store and search your heart out!

It's safe to use, pay by "paypal". That is where I bought all of my wigs shown on my site! They get delivered to my house and they usually only cost approx, 40$. I prefer synthetic short cuts because then synthetic always goes back to it's good shape after a wash, and shot cuts are way more natural looking then long. Long wigs need alot of movement to appear like real hair (not even long humain hair wigs looks like real hair after a few washes). Good luck!
p.s Gisele's wigs is by appointment only so it's nice and private :)
At 9:04pm on March 9, 2009, Rachel H. said…
I've been there for the folk festival before! Fun town!

I order my wigs from - but there are some great shops around here and the twin cities area. Aurora Salon is supposed to have the largest selection available in the whole state--

Otherwise if you make it down to the twin cities area, DK International is fantastic.
At 1:57pm on March 8, 2009, Heather said…
Hey Jenn, I can't believe this all started for you three weeks ago. I have to say the beginning is hard. So many questions and worries. The least my experience can do is help out my fellow alopecians :) Please let me know if you need any info on local doctors or treatments or just to talk :)
At 6:55pm on March 4, 2009, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hello and welcome, Jenn!
I know how hard it can be. I have had alopecia for about 30 years. After I became the spokesperson for the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, a lot of women were needing my help and support, so I wrote a book called, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" It might make you feel better. You can find out more on my page -- and let me know if there's anything else I can do!
At 6:17am on March 3, 2009, SportyAusGirl said…
Hi there Jenn,
Don't let alopecia get in the way of stopping you doing what you love :) I'm a teacher too, in my first year actually. Alopecia doesn't stop me teaching, i actually consider myself very lucky that it is just alopecia. I have some very special students in my class, who are my heroes, and who make me realise that everyone has bad things happen to them. These kids never complain, and I can take some courage out of their own courage.

I told my principal about my alopecia, and told him that I wanted to shave it off. He was supportive, and said that so long as it didn't stop my teaching, he didnt' have a problem with it :)

For peace of mind, if you feel better, tell your boss. But seriously, just wear headbands, or headscarves,a nd don't worry too much. Kids are honest little creatures and they appreciate honesty in return. So long as they know you are not upset and you are ok, they will be ok with it too. Your class will just be worried and will only care for you, like you do them.

My alopecia is really bad. I'm considering wearing a wig next week, under a headband of course. No one will know :)

It's only a big deal if we make it one.

Take care, and send me a message anytime you like.
PS: what age to do you teach? I have grade 4.
At 11:47pm on March 2, 2009, Chantal said…
Hi jenn,
I am a nurse who lives in Manitoba! I hope you know you are a beautiful accomplished person. It's very hard to see your hair go "down the drain"! It's very normal to grieve, but because you are an upbeat person I am sure you will get to the acceptance stage fairly quickly. know that your hair does not define who you are, you have controle over that. I have found that once I have accepted my condition everyone around me saw that it was okay. If you have any questions pls feel free to ask.
Sincerely, Chantal


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