Jennifer Krahn's Comments

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At 5:40pm on March 13, 2010, Donna DeHoog said…
Hey Jenn...How are you? It has been a while! I am getting real close to the big shave and possibly ordering a freedom wig. Has yours come in yet? Please let me know your thoughts on it! Thank you!
At 7:44pm on March 10, 2010, Julia McDowell said…
Hi Jenn,

I got it from Debbi Fuller. I LOVE it! I didn't wear it much in the day time in Jamaica - I guess I'm still babying it! but when I did, it felt great. I wear it all day every day since I got home though.
At 12:23am on February 12, 2010, Pamela Rosse said…
Hello Jenn, I'm Pam I saw you on Aimee's page as I left her a note. My goodness I too am at a year with AAU.
Your beautiful & what a lovely family, like your lab we have 2. You can see them on my page. We sadly could not have children so we have 4 legged. It was nice meeting & I
just wanted introduce myself. Take Care
At 1:04am on January 25, 2010, Dina gave Jennifer Krahn a gift
At 1:01am on January 25, 2010, Dina said…
Thanks Jenn!!
First of all I have to say you are so adorable, and your family is gorgeous!! I am glad to see you are doing well with alopecia. My dad has a friend who is a surgeon and he told me years ago, look - you have a condition that you cannot control. It is in your best interest to learn to cope with it now and not to try to fight it or chase after a cure that is not there. I understand we are all different and cope with things differently. However, I am a sensitive person by nature. I remember my dad being very concerned that the possibility of losing my hair would wreck me. They were quite relieved and surprised at my attitude. I will never forget those first few months going on the alopecia message boards, basically I was just interested to see what other women were doing about wigs and I stumbled across some women that were just completely and totally paralyzed by the condition. I remember trying to help one by writing to her almost everyday and I found she was bringing me down and I was beginning to question why I was not like her. No matter what I said to her, she wanted to be miserable over this. That is when I just did my own thing, did my own research, sought out wigs online and never returned back to the message boards there. My boyfriend was reading about botox for alopecia the other night lol. I want it for my face, not my head - kidding.
Nice to meet you Jenn, hope to keep in touch!! xo
At 11:13pm on January 24, 2010, Veronique said…
Thank you Jenn,
Your pictures look great, your kids are beautiful:-) and so are you, with and without hair. I had my head shaved today. I put the lacewig on right away, and like you said It wasn,t as painful as I thought. i felt in control,and i prefered that than watching my hair falls. Anyway i feel released, cause i had been thinking about it for a while. I was so scared...but now I did it, and i'm glad.
have a good day-xx
At 9:14am on January 15, 2010, iamsuperyasz said…
hello jenn!

thank you for the compliment=)
how are you doing today?
At 3:31am on January 14, 2010, Neil Pendleton said…
Thanks Jenn, good to hear about your experiences too. Thanks!
At 2:56am on January 13, 2010, Marie said…
Thank you, Jenn! Everyone knows I'm addicted to wigs; they are so much fun.
At 12:42pm on January 10, 2010, MacKenzie said…
Thank you for your encouraging comment :) Do you have a freedom wig and what is your opinion of it?! I love my wig now but want to have other options as well!
At 1:23pm on January 9, 2010, Ella said…
Stopping in to to say hi!! How are you doing? Love your profile pic, I see similarities to Bridget Moynahan and Mariska Hargitay :)

At 4:21pm on January 4, 2010, Natalie said…
Wow that sounds fabulous! Isn't Karen amazing?! I love her! I just got mine in October, so I'm not really sure how it is in the heat, but so far it is very comfortable and I have never felt over-heated in it. I have even run on the treadmill at the gym with it on a few times and it stays on perfectly even when I'm really sweaty! It truly is amazing. You will love yours, I just know it! What a great way to start 2010!
At 9:35am on January 4, 2010, Natalie said…
Oh my gosh that is so exciting that you are getting a Freedom Wig! You are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I love mine more and more everyday, seriously. What color/style/texture are you going to get? Did you order it from Karen Peterik? So exciting!!!
At 3:25pm on January 3, 2010, Emily said…
Hi Jenn! Thanks for all of the information. I will definitely look into the Rene of Paris human hair wigs. As for eyebrows, I had mine done about a month ago here in Chicago by Jeff Segal (is that who was recommended to you?), and I LOVE them. I was extremely nervous going into the procedure and did a lot of research beforehand, so I can relate to what you're going through now. I'm going back in for my touch up sometime in the next week or so. I'm even contemplating getting the eyeliner done because I'm so happy with the results. I haven't had brows for about 3 years, and I finally feel like a real person again. I don't have to hide behind heavy bangs anymore, and not a single person (that I know of) has noticed that my eyebrows aren't real. In short, if you don't think your eyebrows are coming back any time soon, call Jeff immediately. You'll be so much happier. If you send me a private message with your email address, I'd be happy to send you some pictures of the eyebrows.
At 11:09pm on December 29, 2009, Emily said…
Hi Jenn! I've been wearing Amore wigs for several years now, and I wanted to let you know that I purchased the Codi wig about a month ago after seeing it on you here on Alopecia World. You look fantastic in it! I'm wondering what wig you have on in your current profile picture--it looks gorgeous. Is it another Amore wig? Or did you invest in something different? I'm getting married in July and am looking for something longer that I can play with a bit for some sort of "wedding style". Not quite ready to take the financial plunge and get a lace or vacuum wig, especially with so many other more exciting things to pay for (like a great honeymoon!). Thanks for any insight!
At 12:00am on December 20, 2009, Jeff W said…
Hi Jenn!
Great profile pic! Hope you're doing well. We got nearly 2 feet of snow today. Thought of you because now I know what it's like to be in Canada! Have a great holiday!
At 11:45pm on November 24, 2009, Jeff W said…
Hi Jenn!
It's been awhile and I just wanted to drop by and say Hi! Love the new photos. You look great! Belated Happy Birthday wishes as well!
At 7:32pm on November 22, 2009, Ella said…
Hi Jenn, hope you are doing well :) Just wanted to tell you I have an appointment with Deb Fuller tuesday morning.....I am soooo excited.
At 3:30pm on November 18, 2009, Monica LUPUS MATTERS Ellis said…
Jenn,THANK YOU so much for the compliment.Have a GREAT DAY!!!!
At 6:26pm on November 17, 2009, Donna DeHoog said…
Happy Belated Birthday, Jenn! I hope you had a fab day!


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