Bee.'s Comments

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At 6:37pm on July 16, 2008, Nick said…
aww, i'm sure it'll be fine when you go back to school. you could even go completely bald as it kinda makes a statement and you don't care.. but i dunno what its like for a girl sooo :P when i got my hair loss i still went out in uni and stuff and didn't quit but kept it sly lol.

1st stage: lots of hairspray.. tons and a hoody.

2nd stage: after it got a bit worse lots of combing the back of my hair down and combing it in weird directions to cover up the bald spots with tons of v05 freeze hold hairspray. it was grreat haha.

3rd stage: panic!!! wear my hoody AT ALL TIMES.

4th stage: shave it all off and wear a trendy cap. my friends were shocked but accepted it straight away and everyones been kool with it, so it turned out better than i expected.

5th stage/present: keep shaving it, no cap or anything, and having to use eyeliner to draw extensions on my partial eyebrows now lol :(

At 6:16am on July 16, 2008, Nick said…
I'm 21, go to Reading uni (I think uni = college in america???) and study law. i love music if that isn't obv, going out with friends for random days out and gigs :)

That's funny because I was pretty much going through the worst time of my life and was severely depressed, then after that I noticed this hair thing and I'm like whhhyyy meee lol. yeah hair is a bit important to a lot of people these days :( ahhhhhhh wellll. x
At 4:42pm on July 13, 2008, Nick said…
Aww thank you sweetness :) It means a lot to me!! Since having alopecia my confidence has pretty much hit rock bottom. And I'm glad you're getting better now :) x
At 5:13pm on July 11, 2008, Nick said…
im good thanks. you?
At 10:51pm on June 8, 2008, Zoe said…
Hey there,

I love you're wig!! Where did you get it? You look great:-)
At 7:21pm on June 5, 2008, Amanda said…
hey again.
sorry i havent been on in like FOREVER!!.. but yea.. i cant go to the conference. im super bummed.. but im DEFINATLY going next year!
At 4:51pm on May 25, 2008, Amanda said…
hi again.. so i was looking at the national convention thingy in Kentucky.. are you going? cuz i really wanna go.. but like am i allowed to wear my wig there?? cuz idk if im comfortable going with out it yet..
At 9:01pm on May 19, 2008, Amanda said…
idk.. its eyelash glue.. but i think the putting more on the sides will help.. thanks!
At 7:47pm on May 19, 2008, Amanda said…
hey brooke~
i got a question.. im having a really hard time with the whole eyelash putting on thing.. like i have them all good and on then in like 4 or 5 hours the glue gets all gross and they fall off.. you got any suggestions??
At 7:41pm on May 14, 2008, Amanda said…
how do you get your hairpiece to look so real? it looks so nice!
At 2:45pm on May 6, 2008, Kristen said…
My alopecia started showing up when I was 12. I am losing a lot of it now and will probably be bald by the end of the year. Where are you from? I grew up in a really conservative small town so my "alternative" look wasn't necessarily appreciated. I live in Austin now and get lots of compliments on my "hairstyle". I love being able to tell people about alopecia when they say that though. :-)
At 10:12pm on May 5, 2008, Kristen said…
Hi lady - you have the most stunning eyes. I know you said you were looking for teens to talk to but I'm around if you'd like to chat sometime. My alopecia started showing when I was 12 so I know what it's like growing up with it. Cheers!
At 4:47pm on May 2, 2008, Sophie Ray said…
hii.. sorry i have taken soooo long to reply- ive had sooo much school work to do its crazy!!
yeah, i also think its so sad that people think that someone is what they look like, its almost as if they are so fricking stupid they cant be bothered to look further than someones hair. i dont know about america, but i know in surrey, england where i live... you can tell you are from surrey by the way you wear your hair... the 'surrey flick' its quite funny actually! but i do kinda feel like an outcast at times, but yeah i guess i do feel like i coped well... though i happened to me when i was abiout 7 but now ive been totally bald for like 3 years, eyelashes i usually have but my brows are not very there, they are blonde, and a few dark hairs kinda thing!! so i never really have had to think about my alopecia deeply, its always just been something i never really understood but got on with life but now i do think it happened for a reason.
and yeah haha its such a good way to weed out the ass holes!! i dont have time for people who care... i say if u dont like it, then F*** off!! i hate seeeing pictures and stuff of me when i was loosing my hair it really upsets me, but i almost feel embarrased that i walked around like that... but i know i shouldnt think that!! i am now quite an angry person and find it REALLY hard to tell people how i feel, like i just got my freedom wig, and i just cant say the words to some of my friends, 3 of them know, but its weird, i just cant say the words almost as if i dont want to freak them out talking about it? do all your friends know you wear a wig? i sometimes worry taht if i do wear my wig that people might think i dont want to be who i am? though getting my wig has made me go throgh a bit of a identity crisis which isnt good! just i dont really know who i am and stuff? oh well! ill get over it!! x
At 10:12am on May 1, 2008, Alex said…
umm im not exactly sure, i think louisville but im not positive...go to and they have anything u need to know about the conference...i hope u can come!
At 10:23pm on April 29, 2008, Alex said…
its june 19-22...its a lot of fun, u should come if u can
At 7:54pm on April 28, 2008, Alex said…
i love it here lol...are u going to the conference this yr?
At 4:54pm on April 27, 2008, Alex said…
im from nyc and i wouldnt move for anything, lol. i love it here!
At 8:45pm on April 23, 2008, Alex said…
not much at all, getting to go to bed early im so exhausted lol

where are u from?
At 6:12pm on April 23, 2008, Kaitlyn said…
Are those fake eyelashes in your default?
At 6:10pm on April 23, 2008, Kaitlyn said…
My God! I wish I had your outlook. You seem so...happy!


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