LeslieAnn Butler's Comments

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At 12:08am on March 21, 2015, Paris said…
Thank you for your message. I'm doing well. I see you wrote a book looks like it is informative. I'll be reading it
At 9:10pm on March 20, 2015, Heidi said…
Thank you for the welcome. I love your picture by the piano, I commented there. I am going to Amazon to order your book right now. It sounds like it might help! Thanks!
At 8:57pm on March 20, 2015, Barbara said…
Oh yes! I do like having smoothe legs! I have one wig so far and I will get my brows tattooed on as soon as I can. Thanks so much!
At 2:21pm on February 18, 2015, SadiesMum said…
Hello LeslieAnn and thank you for the welcome. Sadie is doing OK but losing quite a lot of hair from the top of her head at the moment, this is the first time that's happened so for me it's hard not to worry. When the AA first started last year the patches were all underneath and had started to grow back until very recently when the new ones started at the top. Sadie is 5 years old and very happy go lucky and doesn't seem affected emotionally...yet. We are taking each day as it comes. I've been looking for something to help her understand when she needs it and it sounds like your book might just be the thing. I need to find ways to keep strong for her and that's hard at the moment but I will get there. All the best. Sharon.
At 5:36am on February 18, 2015, Night said…

Wow, very cool Leslie. I'd love to see some of your work, it's always very cool to meet like-minded people, or anyone that has a beautiful energy.I appreciate being accepted into this community,I don't have full Alopecia, just the reseeding hairline, but I know how it feels to feel different than others because of My scoliosis and a few other of life's challenges.... I can't even imagine(at first) how insane this process must be for you Women of this Society, but ya know, it's all about being proud to be different than others! I happen to want to live in reverse of all the conforms Myself. I hope to have a chance to meet some awesome friends on here. Thank you Leslie.

At 8:23pm on February 17, 2015, camarndt said…
Hi Leslie Ann, Thank you for the welcome. I am new here. I was just diagnosed with Alopecia a month ago. I look forward to reading your book. I have so many questions and need tips.
At 11:22pm on February 3, 2015, Lisa said…

Hi LeslieAnn,  Thank you for your welcome e mail.  I am doing fine.  Heading to the dermatologist tomorrow for my 2nd round of injections.  I just ordered your book and look forward to reading it.

I see you are from Portland and I live in Seattle-a fellow "Northwesterner".

At 4:59pm on January 24, 2015, Nicole said…
Tell me about it. I look forward to reading the book :). I know exactly what you mean with the eyebrow tattooing, i had mine done when i first lost the brows but my ink disappeared once the scabbing came off. I cant believe she got a needle in your eye! Sorry that you had to experience that. I really like the idea of the temporary eyebrows as ive never heard of that before.

I will try out the shadow, because it gets annoying wearing the lashes all the time.

At 7:21am on January 23, 2015, Cheyenne said…


I'm well, thank you.  How are you?  Your book looks great! What an amazing accomplishment. Take care!

At 7:01am on January 23, 2015, CATHERINE MILLER said…
Hi Leslie,

Thanks for reaching out to say "hi" to another balding stranger. I had not heardof your book until I read the comments on your wall. It sounds great. Ilook forward to reading it. I am always impressed when someone turns a painful experience into something really good in the world, and artistic, to boot. I have a dermatology and lab appt tomorrow, am hoping to get some more info on why I am looking more and more like a billiard ball every day. Have a great day and nice to "meet" you.

At 8:15pm on January 22, 2015, ossy201 said…
Thanks for the note! I'm doing great today really all the time. My little girl keeps me laughing and so busy with work and baby prep it keeps life interesting. Your book sounds awesome I will have to look into it. So nice to see someone help others see the that you can live life without hair.
At 7:35pm on January 22, 2015, Bay Areagirl said…

Hi Leslie, thank you for the welcome.  I see you are a blonde too - would love any advice on what hair you wear.  Your blonde is the kind of blonde I have been looking for.  Nice to meet you.  I look forward to reading more about your book too.

At 6:43pm on January 9, 2015, Aly said…

Hi Leslie,

Im loving your book, my partner was reading it too, but I caught him rolling a ciggie on it one day and confiscated it from his presence lol. I just adore the images and I am so glad I bought a hard copy because even the pages have a lovely feel and quality to them.

I think you are really brave and talented and thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for assisting me with acceptance of AA.



At 5:08pm on December 18, 2014, Jinzy said…

Hi, LeslieAnn!  Thank you so much for the welcome!  I'm doing great! I noticed that you are an author...would love to read your book!

At 10:05am on December 18, 2014, itzmejudy said…

Thanks for the hello. I am doing ok. I wish hair pieces and wigs didn't cost so much. I have been looking but on a limited income it is impossible to buy one but I am fine so far without one. I have decided to try and help other low income women by asking women who have wigs or toppers to send them to me. I am going to start a program to provide them at no cost to these women who can't afford them. I hope it works out but it may take some time to get it set up. I have asked for wigs on facebook and have had positive responses. I hope all suffering with Alopecia are doing well.

At 4:40pm on December 1, 2014, suburban mom said…

hi leslieann - thanks for the welcome! it is greatly appreciated!   i've had alopecia for about nine years and my son for about a year.  your book looks terrific - i will check it out.  have a great day!

At 12:59pm on December 1, 2014, Claire said…

Thanks for the welcome.  It is relieving to see others that are going through this and dealing with it so positively as I feel frustrated and so unsure about the future.  I see that you have a book - I will definitely be looking into it more.

At 10:56am on November 5, 2014, TrayG said…

I do want to get your book and read as much as I can.  You look very happy/beautiful in your pictures....it gives me hope.  I'm usually such a "glass half full" person, but this has knocked me down a bit to be honest. 

At 5:28am on November 5, 2014, Stefy76 said…

I am fine thank you.Today's raining here in Milan. Is your book translated in Spanish or French? Is it only avaiable in English?

At 10:54pm on November 4, 2014, JustGrinAndHairIt said…

Thanks, it seems like a great community!  I'm interested in your book, too.  I may even purchase one (when I get paid again) and host a giveaway on my blog if that would be OK with you?  It's a very new blog, so I need to get rolling a bit, and figure out more of html, which is foreign to me.  But I am definitely interested in reading your book and giving one away. :)  



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