Denise's Comments

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At 12:17am on September 9, 2010, Gail said…
Thanks, Denise. Yes, I am rather spirited in nature....haha. I hate alopecia and "acceptance" is hardly what I would call my attitude toward it. The wonderful people on this site who embrace their baldness with total acceptance have obviously reached a milestone I have not, and maybe never will. I am off any kind of treatment right now, but will start again when my life smooths out some. My hair loss is triggered by stress and there's no sense in negating any benefit of treatment while I'm going through junk.

Love that you love teaching. What an honorable and rewarding profession.
At 12:56am on September 2, 2010, Dotty said…
Thank you for the very nice message. It came at a great time as I have been going through a difficult time lately. (Not hair related!!! LOL) It's always nice to hear that I have been able to touch someone's life in a positive way. I have been really lax on my inspirationals but I will try really hard to get them going again. Thanx again my friend for thinking of me and I hope all is well with you and yours. If you need ANYTHING feel free to message me. You can also call or text me any time, if you just need someone to talk to at 603-662-8698.
Love and Hugs,
At 4:00pm on February 21, 2010, Silvia said…
Hi, Denise
Thanks for the sweet words. I am doing fine, it was a very hard hit, but down the valleys He is so present! I am currently at UAB undergoing treatment locally w/ a old medicine called DPCP. It seems to be working, my hair is growing very thin, not filling my scalp yet and completely white. I wear a wig to work, and hats at home and leisure time. We were in Cancum during the holidays and I went swimming w/ no was SO GOOD! I don't have your phone # anymore...You can e-mail me if you would like to :
At 9:14pm on October 31, 2009, Dotty said…
Hello my friend.....thanx for the message. Thinking of you and hoping all is well. Happy Halloween and hope the upcoming holiday season is wonderful.
At 8:12pm on October 6, 2009, Silvia said…
Hey, Denise
Just reconnecting to the alopecia world again. So glad to find you message . Amazing to learn about your family history of alopecia. I never heard in my family. I was doing fine until this July, when suddenly hair felt non stop. I went back to UAB to see my dermatologist, and we are trying an old treatment that has been used in Europe and Canada. I bought a real hair wig to use at work, but stay bald at home and using hats. It was a hard hit emotionally again.
At 8:35pm on January 2, 2009, Dotty said…
Hi Denise,
Thank you for thinking of me. My holidays were wonderful. We got to see my hubby's family in North Carolina. Although, I didn't get to see my older daughter Kimi for the first Christmas ever in all of her 27 years! (she couldn't get the time off work). I hope all is well with you and your family. I think about my Alopecian family daily and send up prayers of peace and hapiness. Love and Hugs to you my friend and please keep in touch.....Dotty
At 7:46pm on December 29, 2008, Silvia said…
Hi, Denise.
So good to hear form you. I have not heard of the AA support group or Andrea....I am still fighting the AA, and I was diagnosed last week with AA difuse, all over the head. But the Lord is so good that HE still alows me to keep living and nowbody notice my hair style covering all the spots! I went for dinner with my husband yesterday and he said: your hair looks so good! The dermatologist is trying a new natural medication on the scalp( stearic acid), and I am using it all over my head.
I started a new job which is a real blessing to keep my mind off.
Have a happy New Year and remember to count your blessings. Always,
At 4:02pm on September 29, 2008, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Oh thank you for the story about Darby! Give him a big cuddle for me. My dog Huey says hello too!
At 12:01pm on September 27, 2008, Silvia said…
Hei, Denise! I will certailnly let Andrea know of changes if the group comes together again. I am doing OK, but my alopecias are increasing and I have an apointment with the dermatologist for October. I guess I am part of the resistant group:-) Glad the Lord sustains me, and know every single hair that falls.
Take care and keep writing,
At 8:09pm on September 24, 2008, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Denise, that is the cutest little doggy!
At 1:55pm on June 21, 2008, Dotty said…
Hi Denise,
Thank you so much for the love and support for Kristin. She got home from the hospital yesterday and I had my first good night sleep in 10 days!!! Everyone's thoughts and prayers have truly been heard. Thank you!!!
Love and Hugs,
At 4:36pm on June 7, 2008, Silvia said…
Hi, Denise. Thanks for sharing the MSN AA message bord, I will check it. I still have 2 large areas with AA. My dermatologist does not want to prescribe the Aldera cream, and I do not want the steroids shots because of their side effects and mainly because they were not effective anymore. So I am using Rogaine, and not thinking too much about it. I am swimming laps this Summer with my kids at the public pool and decided not to wear any hat to cover the areas. It seems that nobody notice, or if they notice my bald spots (which certainly they do as they are very visible), there is no comment. What I have learned during this journey is that we are wonderfully made by God, and what happens with our physical body does not identify us as who we are. It is so important to accept ourselves with ou physical limitation.... Thanks for praying for me. I will keep you in my prayers as well and do not worry if/when the AA com back: He is in control.
Have a great weekend,

At 8:59pm on June 1, 2008, Silvia said…
I haven't...but I was wondering if the support group in B'ham will continue or has just stopped. I wish we could get together again.
At 7:43pm on June 1, 2008, Denise said…
This little doggie is Darby, a pomeranian puppy. When my son first brought him home, (a surprise to me) I thought he had AA or was in the process of AU. However, the vet said he had mites. His hair loss was extensive, no sores or anything, so it looked just like my AA spots, but much, much greater. Anyway, after we applied a liquid between his shoulders twice, his hair has started growing back. He will one day look like a big ball of fur. Anyway, that is why his picture is on my Alopecia World page.
At 2:43pm on May 27, 2008, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hi Denise,
How are you doing? I've had aa for 30 years.
At 9:57am on April 21, 2008, Dotty said…
Hi Denise,
Hope all is well with you and yours. I haven't heard of the Celiac Disease thingy but it doesn't surprise me at all. But, now that you mention it, I somehow remember that a friend of mine had been diagnosed with it and had an issue with hairloss for a bit but it stopped before it got bad. Hope this helps and thank you for the nice comment. Chat soon my friend. Love and Hugs, Dotty
At 3:06am on April 14, 2008, Di said…
Thanks Denise for the comment left re my 12 year old daughter, tomorrows a big day her teacher is going to share with the class her predicament! so hope that goes well for her, shes a great kid, who has dealt with this issue soooo welll!!!! I'm very proud of her. At this stage we are not undertaking any treatment just hoping when her teenage hormones click in they might get the ball rolling Regards Di
At 4:35pm on April 6, 2008, Silvia said…

Thanks for the suggestions about Aldera cream. I haven't heard of it but looked at the web and found it interesting. As you said, there is not a evidence-based therapy studies other than the shots and minoxidil, and some works for some people and others not. Glad to hear that your experience asking for God's healing was a truly one. Personally, God always work on my heart at such time of discouragement from the AA, and He promised me that " He even counts the hair on my head". I am so glad as I would already missed the count! Hope to see you again at AA meetings. And thanks for the cream suggestion: by the way, who prescribed it to you, a dermatologist?
At 7:08am on March 30, 2008, Di said…
Hello Denise I'm a mother of two whos youngest daughter twelve began going bald last Easter 2007 no hair anywhere now, I'm like you and don't know whether to accept this and get on with it or are there people out there who have had this, and now have a full head of hair? What things work what things don't work?
Good luck keep me posted !!! Di
At 3:41pm on March 27, 2008, Dee Connelly said…
HI there, I think you will learn alot by reading others profiles! This is a great site!!!


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