Samantha's Comments

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At 3:28pm on July 25, 2008, Jessica said…
Hey Samantha,

Ok I am a great big dork I'm so sorry about the over load of comments.
Well it sounds like your hair is on its way back in that's great.
I've been dealing with this for about year. About 5 months into my third pregnancy I noticed the hair line by my ear getting higher up I would run my hands through my hair in that spot and I would have about 40 hairs in my hand. By the time I gave birth I had what the doc's call the Ophiasis pattern it starts on one side of the head and goes all the way to the other. Like when we were kids, girls would shave their sides and underneath thats what it looked like what a great hair style right. So Dec. 6th I shaved it off and got a wig.
Guess I should have done it the other way around cause I ended up with a real hair wig and it looked nothing like I used too. So I started the steroid shots in November and had total regrowth by Jan. in April I got the last set of shots and the doc thought I went into remission so I stop getting the shots. Then in June I noticed a few spots they can be covered but now my eyebrows are thinning and my female hair is falling out guess that the up side is this little problem. lol So I've started getting the shots agian but I'm not sure how long I will continue its very hard to deal with it growing back then falling out again like you and so many others of us I would rather have all or nothing.
Where did you grow up? I went to Hinsdale South I was class of 96. Lived in Az for a while but Chicago Burbs forever. My best friend Michelle lives in the city Fullerton and Clark.

we are going to try for wed next week haven't picked a place or time so if you think you may be able to make it then we go closer by you so you don't have to travel so far.

At 12:32am on July 25, 2008, Jessica said…
At 12:27am on July 25, 2008, Jessica said…
Hey Samantha, I keep trying to leave a comment but they aren't showing up not sure what I'm doing incorrect they wont post.
let me know if your have gotten any of them.

At 12:06am on July 25, 2008, Jessica said…
Hi Samantha,

Not sure if you got my last comment. Just wanted to say hello. Myself and a couple of other Chicago Alopecians are getting together next week if you want to join let me know we've settled on a day but not time or place so any ideas are welcome,

At 3:42pm on July 24, 2008, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hey! It sounds like you're having fun, watching your hair grow, hooray!
Yes, the book is out. You can get it by clicking the link at the bottom of my page, or you can go to or the NAAF Marketplace!
Let me know how you like it!
At 3:39pm on July 24, 2008, Jessica said…
Hi Samantha,
Thank for accepting my friend request. I'm in the chicago land area also going through kinda the same thing. Like I said in my profile I lost about 50% of my hair last year shaved my head started the shots and have had total regrowth. But now it's starting all over again I've lost some body hair and my eyebrows are thinning out. Not sure where its headed but glad to know there are other people out there that i can talk to about this crazy situation. ps if your curious of what i look like you can see a pic of what i used to look like on my myspace page just click on my website address.
At 8:46pm on July 23, 2008, Hugh Mclellan said…
How are you doing ? You look great.

At 3:07pm on July 20, 2008, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hi Samantha,
Did you ever decide what to do with your eyebrows?
I just thought I would catch up with you and find out what you are doing lately.
At 4:12pm on July 19, 2008, claire said…
thats great news sam im really happy for you let me know how things go...
At 4:13am on July 19, 2008, claire said…
At 9:15am on July 15, 2008, Mandy said…
Hey chica - let me know if you're gonna make it Saturday, k?
At 9:03am on July 10, 2008, Mandy said…

At 9:35am on July 3, 2008, Ashley said…
I lived pretty close to you in Lincoln Clark & Fullerton...a couple doors down from Urban Outfitters. I definitely went to Weiners Circle a few times! We also used to often walk to the Golden Nugget up there all the time in the wee hours of the morning! LOL I moved here for a guy...didn't work out, of course! haha It's ok though...I like it here. I like moving around anyway....I do it A LOT!! :)
At 9:20am on July 3, 2008, Ashley said…
My hair came out so slow that I never even actually noticed it falling out! It was like a spot would just appear. Brows were the same way...I first noticed the shape of my left brow was changing at the beginning of '05 and didn't have to get the tatoos until about a year ago. My hair was long before...really didn't look much different than it does now! :) I had a very small patch of regrowth on the top of my head about 3 yrs ago, but that's it. I don't ever go to the Dr or anything anymore. It just upsets me, when I'm never usually upset about it!

I lived in Lincoln Park for 2 yrs and just off Michigan & E. Chestnut for a year. Do you live in the city? I used to be a cocktail server at Rockit Bar & Grill for about a year in 2005. It was such a popular place, people often recognize me from there!! At least they used to....
At 4:24pm on July 1, 2008, Roger said…
Im going with him but he will stay with his family in Chicago. Im on my own there =)
At 3:44pm on July 1, 2008, Roger said…
Yes, vacation in New York and Chicago under 10 days. I know a lot about Chicago cuz my neighbor you know :)
At 3:03pm on July 1, 2008, Roger said…

Its a REALLY good song. By the way....I think im going to Chicago in september/october. Looks like a cool place.

At 8:39am on July 1, 2008, Roger said…
Hi Sam.

Whats the name of the singer you have here?

At 6:57pm on June 30, 2008, Mandy said…
Yeppo! Posted an update on the group discussion. I really wish we got notified in the activity at the top of the home page when new stuff is posted in our groups. That stinks! Anyway yeah I went. It was cool - I'm glad I went. Met Squonk from our group. LOL. We have 11 members now, so I'll try to get something together for us soon! This week is busy with holiday stuff and then I have a wedding the next week...but soon thereafter I'll get something together!!

At 12:16pm on June 30, 2008, Ashley said…
Hi Samantha! My hair fell out VERY VERY slowly. I first noticed it in August 98, and didn't get my first piece until the end of the year in 2000!! I was also lucky because my hair came out underneath first, so I was able to hide it for a long time too. I still have eye lashes, and hair all over my body, except most of my brows.

I see you're in Chicago...I just recently moved from there! I miss it. Will be visiting in October and can't wait!


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