Dotty's Comments

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At 4:10pm on April 11, 2008, Ivan MIlls said…
Hottie Dotty,
I look forward to hearing how things are with you and yours, Take Care.
At 9:00am on April 11, 2008, Joan Gundersen said…
Hi Dotty, you look Happy too. Your scalp tattoo is beautiful. Who needs hair...i am thinking of putting a tattoo somewhere too. I have alot that's good in my life, and so I am happy...but I have made a decision that losing my hair is not going to get in my son too. Hope to talk to you more in a chat once I figure out how to go about it on the site. J
At 1:39am on April 10, 2008, Karina Louise said…
Hi Dotty, I "met" you once in the AASA chat room...
Just wanted to say hi & that I LOVE your tattoes!!!
At 10:27pm on April 9, 2008, sgomez said…
Thank you, you too!
At 9:40pm on April 9, 2008, sgomez said…
Hey girl! I just wantedd to let you know that I posted some new baldy pics on my page. You inspired me!The only tattooes I have are of my eyebrowes. OWCH! It hurt a lot. How can you tolerate the pain? Man, you're tough. Hope all is well. Sarah
At 9:22pm on April 9, 2008, Julia said…
Hey Dotty...wanted to see what you were up too. u should be getting an email here soon about photos for the book...

Take care!
At 7:33pm on April 9, 2008, Carol said…
I love your tattoo. My son, Vince, had his tattoo on the side of his body done in stages too. Vince has his eyebrows tattooed too. If you look at my pix on my page you can see them. The one is of he & I , & the other is of Vince & my Hubby.
The names on his body are people that he loved & passed on. Recently, his best friend died and he went back & had his name added on the very top. I know this is bazzar, but I did ask him where my name will be?! He didn't tell me, but said he had a very special tattoo & place for me.
At 12:54pm on April 8, 2008, sgomez said…
Hi Dotty! Yes, I remember seeing your picture on Heralopecia. I thought, wow! What a way to dress a bald head! I've never seen that on a woman before. I showed my sister your page, and she was blown away. She thought you were so awesome, me too! She's into tattoos. So how long ago did you lose your hair?(Like you needed it! lol) I was five. You have a really big family! How do you do it? I stay home w/ mine and still can't get everything done. You must do dishes at least five times a day! I have four kids, and a husband who is allergic to housework! I have a Zach too. He's my three year old. We call him Zach Attack. If you knew him, you would know why. lol! I am looking forward to getting to know you better. I hope you get everything straightened out w/ Heralopecia. I would love to chat there w/ you also. Well, when you have time. Take care! Sarah
At 11:05pm on April 7, 2008, Ivan MIlls said…
Hello Hottie Dotty, it's Mr Josua your friend from Daily Strength. I like the page. I hope all is well with you. I shall speak with you at a latter time.
At 8:03am on April 6, 2008, Siphnaki said…
So I hit enter without meaning too..... Anyway, wanted to drop you a line and thank you for always being there. Unlike you, I come and go it seems. We aren't making it to Kentucky this year as we're going to Greece. Long story but my mom needs us more and thankfully Peaches is looking forward to it as much as she was to Kentucky. If it wasn't for CAP, I may not have done things this way but l've been blessed with all these forums! Anyway, take good care my friend! Love, Siph
At 8:01am on April 6, 2008, Siphnaki said…
Thanks Dotty
At 9:10pm on April 1, 2008, Amy's Mom said…
Hi! This grounded thing stinks for all of us - not sure about Kentucky, we had told Amy that we weren't going due to her lovely behavior issues, hoping that would motivate her to change a little, but we've continued to have some issues, so...not sure. Don't know who we'd be punishing - us or her?
At 11:20am on March 30, 2008, Katey said…
Hi Dotty,
Nice to meet you!! I love your tattoos! :)
Katey :)
At 6:25pm on March 26, 2008, Denise said…
Hi Dotty. I feel like I know you already. I have read many of your inspirationals already on the MSN site. FLgirl introduced me to the site. If you have contact with her, tell her the Alabama girl is on this site and thanks her for listening! This is the first time I've posted on any site, but I read the MSN site a lot through the summer. Thanks for your inspiration. BY THE WAY, if you are not the same Dotty, sorry for the mix-up. --Denise of Alabama
At 2:32pm on March 26, 2008, Cindy said…
Dotty, are you having a better day?
At 8:14am on March 23, 2008, Ashley said…
Thanks so much! I'm just in a quandry as to what I will get done on my head...but I'll figure it out somehow. I've got friends thinking for me. i think it would be cool if i could figure out something to put on there that would represent alopecia & how far I've come in some way...Who knows what I'll end up with. But I'm pretty sure I'll eventually get something. =) You're awesome.
I'm sure it will hurt. I know it'll hurt more than my eyebrow tattoos....they weren't as deep as regular tattoos, & the lady used a topical cream that worked as a numbing agent. but like you said, I'll prolly be all pumped up & not feel it. I wish you could come with me, that'd be so cool! But I've got a couple friends who i know would go with me. =)
At 1:50am on March 21, 2008, Kara said…
I love your bald beautiful artful head !! your a great inspiration !!
At 2:47pm on March 20, 2008, Ashley said…
so you gettin tattooed on your head has kind of inspired me to do the same. Not exactly the same, in fact I think i'd at least just start with something simple. but i just thought it was a wonderful idea, and i guess i was wondering about it....if you don't mind giving advice. =)
At 10:31pm on March 19, 2008, Joshua said…
Thanks for leaving a message Dotty...hehe. If you put ''Dotty" on the "search member" box...both of our profiles will appear...I just find that out..isnt that cool...hehe...

At 10:03pm on March 19, 2008, Laura Zinger said…
THANKS, DOTTY!! I love the tattoos on your head! AMAZING!

I was just commenting with Cheryl and I told her how I'm starting a website for women with Alopecia. It's if you want to see it!


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