Gabrielle's Comments

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At 9:57am on June 5, 2009, Drew said…
hows it going?
At 12:12am on September 29, 2008, Drew said…
Hey, you still get on here at all? hows everything?
At 1:26am on June 20, 2008, Drew said…
that's good, I'm happy for you. Are there still spots without hair or is it growing back everywhere?

How was the exam?
At 10:11pm on June 17, 2008, Drew said…
I don't really have any big plans. Basically work. For two weeks I work at a summer camp and I pretty much get paid to be a kid and attend camp (and make sure nothing goes wrong) but I act just like the kids there, it's a lot of fun. So I'm looking forward to that even though this year I won't have hair so I'm not looking forward to having to explain it to everyone there.

And theres a few concerts I'm going to. So I guess I do kinda have plans huh? haha
At 9:24pm on June 17, 2008, Drew said…
Good luck with the exam, at least you know when you're done with it that you'll be free for the summer. Got any big plans for it?
At 8:53pm on June 17, 2008, Drew said…
I'm doing really well. Are you done with school for the summer?
At 8:34pm on June 17, 2008, Drew said…
Hey Gabrielle, how is everything going with you since the last time I sent you one of these?
At 6:51pm on May 28, 2008, Orbit said…
Hi Gabrielle! Thanks for your kind compliments! You sure know how to make a girl's day! To answer your question, I've had some form of Alopecia most of my life. No hair at all until I was 2, then normal carrot top until I was 8, then AA, then remission and spurts of AA then when I was 16/17 it happened again, and since that time I've been AU (Alopecia Universalis - no hair anywhere at all). And yes it did totally suck having it come and go, but now that I've been AU for so long I really don't at all. These days I have "hair" that is the envy of all my friends ;-)

Remember to always look on the bright side and where a smile!!!! It's great to "meet" you!
At 7:49am on May 28, 2008, carly said…
In your picture is that your sister or your friend?
At 7:47am on May 28, 2008, carly said…
I'm 12 yrs old, and ive just had AA for about a year
At 8:41pm on May 27, 2008, Samantha said…
Hey..People that see me co-workers and stuff have noticed...but not my friends that I see every couple of weeks. They couldn't believe I didn't have any eyebrows. I've been drawing them and took them off and they couldn't believe the difference. So you have AU? How much did you lose? How long was it gone before it began to grow back? Did/do you wear wigs?
At 5:37pm on May 27, 2008, Zoey said…
It was grat! Nice and relaxing.... Went for a bike ride and swimming...
Good times..... Our weather is in the 70's now.. But soon it will be in the 100's. Then that means its time to go to the lakes or beaches :)
At 8:52pm on May 26, 2008, Orbit said…
Hi there, I have AU too! Keep up the positive thoughts and keep smiling beautiful!
At 9:57am on May 26, 2008, carly said…
hi - ya i do- but not in my picture
I get mine for free from children with hairloss-
How old are you?
At 9:29am on May 26, 2008, Samantha said…
Hi Gabrielle..well they're thinking universalis because I'm losing it EVERYWHERE. How about you?
At 12:50am on May 26, 2008, Zoey said…
Hello there :)

How is your three day weekend going??

The weather here in Northern California is really great!!!

How is Canada?? I have always wanted to travel there!!!

I love your picture its cute!!
At 11:50pm on May 25, 2008, Drew said…
Yeah, but when you get a little older you have even more stuff to pay for so enjoy being the age you are now. haha.

Alright, I'm going to bed cause I gotta work early tomorrow...Hope you have a good week...
At 11:16pm on May 25, 2008, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Thank you! If you need help, let me know! I have a new book out that has lots of good info in it -- you can read about it on my page...
Hugs, LeslieAnn
At 10:16pm on May 25, 2008, Drew said…
I'm good thanks, just busy with work...but i need money so I can't complain too much.
At 6:29pm on May 25, 2008, carly said…
im doing good- howabout u? Where do you get your wigs from?


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