Atheists with alopeciaGroupAtheists with alopecia7 LikesHair today, gone tomorrow...videoHair today, gone tomorrow...2 LikesSisterhood of Women who Shaved their HeadsGroupSisterhood of Women who Shaved their Heads27 LikesAfraid to ask?photoAfraid to ask?36 Likes
October 2011
Is it bad if I don't want my hair to grow ba…I will give you a brief history...
I am 28. I have three different auto-immune issues that did not start until after I had kids....up until then, healthy, college athlete. I have always had a thick…DiscussionIs it bad if I don't want my hair to grow ba…5 Likes
September 2011
Bald buds!photoBald buds!1 Like319068_10150292852979934_549519933_8023039_6…photo319068_10150292852979934_549519933_8023039_6…2 LikesHair Is OveratedGroupHair Is Overated30 LikesA perfect canvas!!photoA perfect canvas!!5 Likes
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