Alopecia World member Ashley Crain discusses her determination to educate people about alopecia and inspire others to conquer whatever comes their way.

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Comment by Ashley on December 29, 2008 at 11:13pm
Thank you so much!! I was just so thrilled that this lady was interested in doing an interview, and I was able to have some airtime to talk about alopecia. =)
Comment by Roger on January 1, 2009 at 1:00pm
Great Ash!

/100% =)=)=)
Comment by Ashley on January 4, 2009 at 11:59pm
Thanks Roger and Alicia! Alicia, I haven't had the pleasure of writing a book about alopecia, although I'm sure I could talk on forever about it in a book. There are several other alopecians on here who have written wonderful books that are definitely worth your time. =)
Comment by Melissa on January 5, 2009 at 7:41pm
Glad to see you're getting some use out of my favorite wig!! I knew that was $40 well spent! You continue to rock! See you in 6 months! :)
Comment by Carla on January 10, 2009 at 9:08am
Bellissimi filmati, soprattutto quello in cui si vede la signora che si fa confezionare la parrucca su misura...!!
Grazie dei filmati che ci fate vedere.
Si può avere l'indirizzo del negozio che confeziona parrucche su misura?
Grazie di nuovo e un arrivederci a presto di cuore.


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