Seven-year-old Owen Dean, who has celebral palsy, was forced by his school district to shave his head after he developed alopecia.

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Comment by Nancy Schmelzer on December 14, 2008 at 1:02pm
How sad. I especially cannot believe they won't let this little boy wear hats as the weather dictates.
Lauren's mom
Comment by Rumpleteazer on December 15, 2008 at 6:03pm
ugh sadistic
Comment by Lynette Wright on December 18, 2008 at 2:06am
I wonder why his parents thought that this was a helpful thing to allow to happen to a young boy. Love protects. I struggle to accept their complete lack of empathy, understanding and compassion. But I know that difficult circumstances can grow us sometimes.
Comment by spaganya on December 22, 2008 at 12:30am
while i am the one who is against frivolous lawsuits - this one screams lawsuit - not necessarily for money - but to have the policy changed at the school. i know i would have been devastated.
Comment by rj, Co-founder on December 22, 2008 at 8:10am
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Yesterday, I spoke directly with this child's father as well as the school district. I can now assure you that the matter is being resolved in the best interest of the seven-year-old student, Owen Dean. The elementary school and Owen's parents are working together to ensure that Owen is comfortable, and the school district is open to working with Alopecia World to promote alopecia awareness in an effort to decrease the likelihood that children like Owen will be teased due to a physical or medical condition. We will provide updates on the progress of these matters. For now, however, we ask that all members and supporters of Alopecia World refrain from contacting the school or school district about these matters.

With great appreciation,

richard jones (rj)
Co-founder, Alopecia World
Comment by Jo-Anne on January 5, 2009 at 2:34am
I am most interested in how this school will deal with Owen wearing hats or some kind og scalp covering. If they are merely going to educate children on Alopecia there will still be those who care not for explantaion but continue to target this child for their entertainment. I have a son in high school who is required to wear a uniform. Over the xmas holidays he shaved his head as the patches were to many. We purchased skull caps for him as this is what he would prefer to wear. I am currently requesting the school allow him the use of the skull caps which one is plain and the other one paisley in blue and white the color of the school uniforms. I hope they will allow him this as he too has faced ridicule from not only classmates but teachers who do not have an understanding of Alopecia.


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