I am the mother of a four year old boy who developed alopecia last May.  Within a couple of months he was completely bald.  It was the most traumatic experience of my life... just watching more and more hair disappear and knowing I couldn't stop it.  Any time we went out and he wasn't wearing a hat, people thought he had cancer.  It was just so surreal... I couldn't believe it was happening to my little boy.  I was thankful it wasn't life threatening, but I was so terrified that he would be made fun of at school his whole life or would have trouble getting a girlfriend when he got older.  I tried all different treatments... steroid cream, aromatherapy oils, and an herbal treatment from India, but the hair just kept falling out until he had only a couple of strands left.  Then I found another treatment made by a scientist in Israel called Hair Up, and after a couple of weeks using it I noticed new hair growth.  After five months of using the treatment, he now has over 90% of his hair back.  At first I was worried that his hair was simply growing back on its own and it was just a coincidence that it started growing back when I started using the treatment.  But then about a month ago we went away for four days and forgot the medicine (I was sooo upset) and when we returned I noticed there were two new bald spots.  I started using the treatment again and it stopped falling out and began growing again.  Has anyone else on here used this treatment and had similar results?

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Louise I know how you feel. My 17month old started losing hair 6months ago and is now 98% bald. We have recnetly started noticing his eyebrows are thinning and I just ordered Hair Up. I have wondered how long you have to keep using it for and the Dr couldn't give me an aswer. I assume if its still falling out then you need to keep using it. Have you tried contacting Dr Gonen? He seems so helpful, he might be able to help you.

I'd love to know what happens. We are all on the same rollercoaster!

Best of luck
I contacted him and he said it was normal to get five steps forward and then one step back. I think that he got new spots because I stopped using it for a few days. Dr. Gonen said that he will have to use the treatment until all the hair is back and that i have to stop using it gradually. Do you know of any other people on here who have used the treatment? I'm so thankful to have found it. I truly hope that you will have the same results with your child that I had with mine. I have used the treatment on my son for five and a half months now and it was well worth the money. I would have done just about ANYTHING to get his hair back. Do you have a boy or a girl?
There are a couple of other Moms on here who have used it. I think Christine Messner is one. You might find some posts from her in the discussions. Her son is on Dr Gonen's testimonials page.

I have a boy and I'm praying that this works. It seems so unimportant but the stares are hard and its a horrible think to watch disappear. :(

Good luck! Please keep us posted

Hi Louise, My name is Constance Burts and my daughter was just recently diagnosed. I know that this post is really old, but I was wondering if Hair up is legit, and if you are still having success with the product. Also, how expensive was it?

I myself am I mother with a son who was just recently diagnosed with alopecia. I wnat to know if Hair up is legit as well. I will try anything at this point.

I felt the same way when I found out that my 6 yr old was going thru this, im still trying to cope with it the good thing is that she is not takind as bad. We found her first patch in april of 09 she had some regrowth with steroid foam but she lost it after about 6 months and she was very moody and lost a lot of weight, now she has about 20% of her hair left in different lenghts. 3 months ago we started using Hair up she has had some regrowth but is progressing very slowly, i think that she is not loosing her hair as fast anymore so thats good, but then there are days that i find a lot of hairs in her hat i agree this decease is a rollercoaster. We just order a second treatment i was just a little puzzled to see that we got the same order as the first i thought i was going to get a stronger dose but instead we are starting all over again, did this happened to you? I just hope that is not something we have to use for a long time its hard for us to come up with the money
I'm sorry that you're not having better progress with the product. Unfortunately, alopecia is a very complex disease and there is still not much known about what actually causes it. Also, there is no treatment that is 100% effective for everyone. If the hair up continues not to work, maybe you should try some other things. However, you have to be very careful since there are many scams out there. Just make sure you do your research. I also got the same three month batch. However, I'm not sure if it's the same exact treatment. I never asked Dr. Gonen, so you should send him an e-mail and ask him. Also, he is usually flexible about payments if you are having trouble. My boyfriend payed him with a check and told him not to cash it for almost two months and he was fine with it. However, this may have just been because they met in person and Dr. Gonen felt comfortable with him. But you should ask if you can do a payment plan. It certainly can't hurt :)
If there was a safe and effective and PROVEN safe and effective treatment for children, every pediatric dermatologist in the world would be prescribing it.

It's not like your board certified physicians are keeping something from parents.

It's that the discussion of the very few safe things they can prescribe are drummed out by the loud advertising of unproven potions being sold to parents.

Keep in mind that the original "snake oil salesmen" were selling stuff to do what? grow hair.

I have a post about how to spot a product and pseudo- scientific scam ..here's the link.
I've been doing a lot of research on the product and Dr. Gonen and it appears to be legit. My boyfriend is Israeli and was in Israel visiting family when I found the product on the Internet. He went to meet him in person as well. Dr. Gonen has appeared an renowned television shows in Israel, and we also found a website written in Hebrew that has a study of the treatment, and the effectiveness was about 80% after 3 months (I think... I have to double check it), and 90% after 6 months or so. However, I'm not sure if there was a control group. I'm also not sure if the treatment was used exclusively on people with alopecia areata or was also used on other kinds of hair loss, such as male pattern baldness. Dr. Gonen also says that he will not help people who have no chance of regrowing their hair, such as people where the hair root is dead. I do know for a fact that dermatologists in the U.S. are not using treatments that were found to be effective by doctors in other countries. For example, a study was done in Scotland using essential oils to treat alopecia, and was found to be about 45% (approximately) effective versus about 15% in the control group. This treatment has no negative side effects, and yet dermatologists in America are not using it! It is difficult to find much information on Dr. Gonen however since most of it is in Hebrew. The only reason I know any of this is because I'm lucky enough to have a boyfriend who speaks the language.
hello I have been using Hair up for 2 weeks... I just know that Dr Gonen is a very honest person...He does not want to treat ıf he really can not help. He gives me very low chance about my situation... but I want to try.. because trying new treatments is better than giving up struggling with AA...
My daughter has been using Thymuskin for the past 2 months and it is working for her so far. She has patchy hair loss so it wasn't as extreme as what your son had. Hair Up will be next if Thymuskin quits working. Good to hear it works for you.

As for people saying these treatment are scams. Just look at all the so called FDA approved clinically proven medicines that are released every year and found later to have severe side effects. This is what our medical doctor are prescribing, so forgive me if I don't take much stock in what a medical doctor will and will not endorse. Just because its not made in and tested in America doesn't mean it's bogus.
I definitely agree! While there certainly are many scam artists out there trying to take advantage of people desperate to have their hair, I strongly believe that Dr. Gonen is not one of these people. In fact, I did some research today and found a U.S. patent application website where Dr. Gonen has a detailed listing of the composition of his products as well as studies done on different groups of people with afflictions such as male pattern alopecia, alopecia areata, and alopecia totalis. The results were extremely promising! I have copied and pasted some sections below for those of you who are interested:

Treatment of Alopecia Areata

"[0149] More specific test procedures were carried out with six individuals, both male and female, aged 8, 12, 24, 32, 35 and 42 years old. These subjects employed the treatment product prepared in accordance with Example I, including Glycyrrhiza Glaba, Zingiber Officinalis, Foeniculum Officinalis, Salvia Officinalis, Lavandula Angustifolia, Passiflora Incarnata and amino-acids, for periods of time ranging from as little as six days to as long as approximately six months. These subjects suffer from alopecia areata and were previously administered with a variety of different treatments such as Cortisone injections, steroids, Dermovat, Beta Corten, Regain or Dithrocream, which were not effective before starting with the treatment product of the present invention. The subjects, at initiation of testing, had a variety of hair conditions. All subjects reported of improvement in hair condition, stoppage of hair lost, new hair growth and thickening of hair."

Treatment of Alopecia Totalis

"[0146] More specific test procedures were carried out with five individuals, both male and female, ages 9, 12, 29, 39 and 69 years old. These subjects employed a composition with Glycyrrhiza Glaba and Zingiber Officinalis as active ingredients to stimulate the hair follicles and stimulate blood circulation, for periods of time ranging from six days to six months. These subjects suffer from alopecia totalis and were previously administered with a variety of different treatments such as Dermovat, Pluvitor, Dithrocream, cortisone injections or Minoxidil, which were not successful before starting with the treatment product of the present invention. These subjects, at initiation of testing, had a variety of hair conditions. All subjects reported of improvement in their hair condition, new hair growth and thickening of hair."



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