Karina Louise
  • Female
  • Melbourne, VIC
  • Australia
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  • arnold_beecher
  • Pat Latina
  • Ms. S
  • Chel Campbell
  • Vesna Devcic
  • louise malone

Karina Louise's Discussions

Fun Wigs

Started this discussion. Last reply by sonia Oct 8, 2009. 2 Replies

A friend of mine gave me a short pink wig earlier this year, on the promise that I would actually wear it... I wasn't so sure at the time but I did promise. I have now worn it quite a few times and I…Continue

Scalp rash?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Char Mar 12, 2009. 4 Replies

Does anyone else get a red, irritated scalp with AA? I have gone from total hair loss on my scalp to some fuzzy patches growing now, but definitely not all over. But along with it, my scalp is…Continue

Tags: regrowth, scalp, itchy, irritated, red

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Profile Information

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I am a twenty-something Alopecian of 5 or so years. I have been through various periods of hair loss and regrowth, including losing almost every hair on my body in 2009. Now, I have complete regrowth on my head, body hair is reappearing and my eyebrows and lashes are partly back. I'm enjoying having hair again but have no idea what the future will hold and hope that I'll be able to be strong if it all decides to disappear again. I'm hoping against hope that it never falls out again, but we all know how unpredictable alopecia areata can be! I've got wigs ready to go if it does fall out again, and I wouldn't hesitate to shave it all off it gets patchy again.

Having alopecia has taught me a lot about myself and I wouldn't necessarily change it. I travelled and worked overseas for around 18 months while I had no hair and met numerous people who accepted me as I was. I did wear a wig most of the time but I was very open about the alopecia and didn't mind showing anyone my bare head. I'd like to think that I managed to educate some people along the way and that if they come across someone else with alopecia in their life, they might remember the girl they met in a hostel who had no hair and was living her life to the fullest!

As for a little about me, I love to travel and I love adventures. I love trying new things, meeting new people and exploring new places. I love bargain hunting at op shops, dancing, live music, outdoor festivals and spending time with my friends. I'm a hula hooper, a snowboarder, an avid reader, a runner and a self confessed coffee snob.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Karina Louise's Blog

Growing out the regrowth

Posted on May 14, 2010 at 6:51pm 7 Comments

It really does seem that my hair is trying to come back in earnest. I've gone from smooth bald to steadily increasing patches starting to grow again. After months of shaving these off, I have finally made the decision to let them grow out.

It's been a month since I last shaved my head and I now sport dark auburn fuzz almost all over my head. There is still a few small albino patches and a few parts where the hair is not coming in quite so thickly and you can see my scalp through the… Continue

An ode to alopecia

Posted on March 29, 2010 at 7:14am 7 Comments

Oh alopecia, how you do frustrate me....

I was so angry at you when you first took my hair - and I got in first and shaved what was left off before you could take it. I was especially mad at you for taking my eyelashes but I slowly adjusted. I didn't mind that you took away my body hair and relished not having to shave my legs anymore. I was actually happy when you took away the rest of my head hair because it meant I didn't have to shave it off anymore to wear my vacuum… Continue

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At 2:13am on October 3, 2010, Kaz said…
Hi!! Hows it going? Thanks for the add, good to get to know other melbournians, im not alone yay. By the way how awesome was the weather today?
At 6:41am on October 01, 2010, sharon gave Karina Louise a gift
I love your sayin on your page!
At 11:58pm on April 1, 2010, Jessie said…
I can't wait to go travelling again! But full time work and renting means I have little time and money! haha oh well, keep plugging away I spose til I can go again!
I'm a primary school teacher, teach grade 3&4, love it, but a very stressful job (which I think is contributing to the progression of my alopecia). Over the last 2 years it has been slowly getting worse, and that's how long I have been teaching for! Maybe I need a low stress job!

So where do you plan on travelling next? Are you working in Melb?
Hope you have a nice Easter
At 11:02am on March 29, 2010, irene said…
katrina louise you look fantasic your hair is gorgeous very natural looking x
At 11:31pm on March 18, 2010, Devin said…
Hey Karina thanks for the add! I love your pics. Did you ever go parachuting again or just the tandem jump? I jumped by myself, but only the one time and then had to go out of town on business and never ended up doing it again. I wish I had kept it up. I hope all is well with you.
At 4:39am on March 14, 2010, Jessie said…
i've also lived in a few different suburbs of Melb, but at the moment i'm in Coburg. Just moved here from Brunswick West, into my first 1 bedroom, so that is pretty exciting!
So do you go to uni or work?
Yeah I bet the snow over in new zealand is stacks better than here, but oh well, if i enjoy it i can always plan to go over there soon. I love travelling!! Any old excuse will do! haha.
At 2:39am on March 10, 2010, Jessie said…
thanks! It's good to know there are others in the same city dealing with the same issues. I'm going well, trying not to let the alopecia interfere with my life, but it's hard when i see other people with full heads of hair, i get really jealous! I'm sure it's a feeling everyone on here feels. I'm glad that I've finally taken a step to accepting it though, I like this place, I don't feel like I have anything to hide.
So where in Melbourne do you live??
And you snowboard, that's so cool, Im going to the snow this winter to learn with a few mates, any tips where I should go? I was thinking hotham, but buller is closer.
At 8:26pm on March 3, 2010, Devin said…
Karina I love the pics. I parachuted once and snow skied, but never snow boarding. By the look of your pics Id say you dont allow alopecia to interfere with you enjoying life. Good for you. I hope you have a great day!
At 6:18pm on February 2, 2010, josh said…
Nice pic at MachuPichu Peru or something like that....
At 1:30am on November 6, 2009, Nikita said…
Thank you for writing to me- the melbourne nurse/ dance teacher (sorry it has been ages since I have been on), that is so cool that yu have been able to live in canda, I saw the pictures and it lookes like an awesome place- it also looks freezing.
I read the lettter from your friends, having friends like that make life better, if only there were more out ther like that.

So when will you next be in melbourne- do you plan on moving back for good- either way we should keep in touch xox Nikita


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