It really does seem that my hair is trying to come back in earnest. I've gone from smooth bald to steadily increasing patches starting to grow again. After months of shaving these off, I have finally made the decision to let them grow out.

It's been a month since I last shaved my head and I now sport dark auburn fuzz almost all over my head. There is still a few small albino patches and a few parts where the hair is not coming in quite so thickly and you can see my scalp through the hair growth, but it's the most hair I have had in a LONG time! Now I am really impatient for it to grow quicker so that I can really tell if this is going to be a viable option or not.

I really don't want to miss the opportunity to have my own hair again, even if it's only a short time before it starts falling out again. Even the best wigs are nothing compared to having your own hair.

But it's a long, slow process waiting for the hair to grow. I won't go out in public with my head looking the way it does right now and my wigs don't fit so well with the hair underneath... Hurry up and grow, hair!!!

Views: 53

Comment by Dana Kozlowski on May 14, 2010 at 7:06pm
That is great! I can't wait till I can't post a blog of regrowth. Very happy for you :)
Comment by Leslie Mader on May 14, 2010 at 9:44pm
I think you are right about the sun and tanning beds. I feel like my hair grows better in the warm weather. My hair loss is very seasonal, shed in the Fall and hair back in Spring/Summer. I hope that's the case for me this round. I do think there is something to the sun and hair growth. Weird, i have never heard anyone else mention this but maybe it only works for us who have seasonal hair loss at least for now.
Comment by David A on May 14, 2010 at 10:10pm
I know that, " Hurry up and grow" feeling. It can seem to take so long. I wore a hat for almost eight months last time I grew mine. Congratulations on seeing the regrowth!
Comment by Sarah Car on May 14, 2010 at 11:57pm
Good for you and your regrowth! Be patient it will come back. And since a few people have brought it up... I spent six months in Uganda... needless to say my hair was the thickest its ever been in my life! I couldn't pin the reason... I was happy with the work I was doing and where my life was. I was eating totally healthy natural foods. I also was taking cold showers - no electricity for hot water. and I was getting a ton of sun. I never really thought about the sunshine being the reason for my thick waves at the time, but it could have been! Since I came back to Pennsylvania, my hair started falling back out to the point where I decided to shave it instead of dealing with multiple patches and thinning everywhere. But It always comes back, so I am not that worried. for now I am comfortable being bald. But I think when it does start coming back, the regrowth process will be difficult. :( so I feel for you! Again, be patient and enjoy the growth!
Comment by Dana Kozlowski on May 15, 2010 at 8:23am
Sarah that is amazing about how every was going great because it was natural and you we happy. I think Alopecia along with other medical issues are due to the environment we live in.
Comment by Hilary on May 16, 2010 at 11:10pm
my regrowth sounds the same as you! good luck! and yes! hurry the hell up and grow!
Comment by Beth S on May 18, 2010 at 10:59pm
Good luck. I have some small regrowth that started with Eyebrows recently and moving to scalp. Just a little but it is darker so I am hopeful that more will grow.


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