Kristina Helton
  • Female
  • Shelbyville, KY
  • United States
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Kristina Helton's Friends

  • beth piper
  • cindy Babs
  • Kim E
  • Frank Pratt
  • caroline knight
  • Kim Karacz
  • Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri
  • Shannon
  • Pat Latina
  • Jennifer
  • Lori Van Decker
  • Tracy and Amanda
  • ashlee
  • Peggy Knight
  • Roger

Kristina Helton's Discussions


Started this discussion. Last reply by Pamela Rosse Feb 24, 2011. 16 Replies

first off, I am so excited to have found this website, I have had alopecia universalis for over a yr in a half now, and I have never had the opportunity to talk to someone who has been going through…Continue

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About Me:
hey Im krissi, im from shelbyville, I was diagnosed with alopecia universalis about a year ago, and Im hoping to find other people around my area going thru the same thing.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall (8 comments)

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At 11:54pm on April 28, 2011, onekeylady said…
Hi Kristina, I am new to this site, and live in Louisville, but am actually from Taylorsville. Glad I am finding others in the area to relate to as well with the AA.
Going thru the 2nd flare up of AA and it seems to be hitting all the places it didn't hit the first time...LOL
At 7:57pm on January 14, 2011, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hello and welcome, Kristina!
How are you today? I have universalis, too.
Leslie Ann
At 11:45pm on January 9, 2011, Kristina Helton said…
lol yea its a wig, thanks for the comments guys, Im really happy to have found this site and meet other people who understand. Thanks
At 4:53pm on January 8, 2011, Pat Latina said…
Nice profile picture. Is that a wig - you look great!
At 11:26am on January 8, 2011, Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri said…
Hi Kristina,
Welcome to our family. You will find it a positive and uplifting place to be.
At 10:20pm on January 6, 2011, Jessica said…
hi kristina,

welcome... btw is that a wig you're wearing in your profile pic? i can't tell but you look Great!
At 2:04pm on January 6, 2011, cindy Babs said…
Hi krissi. I am the mother of a 16 yo girl with au x 18 mo as well. Although i dont have alopecia myself,I have seen first hand how devastating this condition is to one's psyche. One approach is to take one day at a time and have No expectations. U will save yourself disappointment. U r a beautiful !! Woman with or w/o hair. There r many members on here with partial to complete regrowth as u can read about on here. Live your life. Hold your head high.u r not defined by hair.connect with other members. It will help and u will start to feel better. Really :) hang in there and take care of yourself.
At 11:58am on January 6, 2011, Roger said…



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