Sherry Stalnaker
  • Female
  • Taylor, MI
  • United States
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I am a very happy go lucky person and I have been wanting to get a group going in the metro detroit area for a long time..any suggestions?
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Alopecia universalis
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Yes - I am 18 or older

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Sherry Stalnaker's Blog


Posted on November 5, 2010 at 7:53am 1 Comment


Every time

I come to this sight I can't believe how many new members have joined!! There truly are alot of us out there!! And everyone is so very funny loving and creative, it warms ny heart to know you all are out there. Went to a wig shop here in Detroit area and the good Lord blessed me with meeting another fellow alopecian. Very beautiful woman. We exchanged #'s and so forth. I wish I could become friends in person with all of you!! I would love to get a… Continue

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At 9:25pm on February 18, 2010, Galena said…
You have a face for the movies! So much joy--I enjoyed your pictures.
Take care,
At 12:54am on February 13, 2010, Annette Thompson said…
Hi Sherry, Well firend, you have inspired me. Got a new wig today and it is totally
different than my last. Your looks are all different and all good. Even wore it to work. I think I might have taken a step emotionally with this crazy disease.
At 4:38pm on February 9, 2010, Ilia Reed said…
Hi, thanks for accepting. Take care!
At 9:23am on February 7, 2010, Sherry Stalnaker said…
I pretty much started looking for wigs in the telepone book years ago..then with the introduction of pc's everywhere now, the net was a hit or miss thing. Thats why I recommend searching around!! I found a great person in this little shop here in the downriver area of Michigan called Theo's Niche..she specializes in upscale resale and overstock items..She is a wonderful person who has all kinds of wigs and pony tails etc..such a joy to visit her. Her prices can't be beat either. Before meeting her I
was going all the way to Detroit to visit a wig shop downtown and paying alot of money for wigs that theo selss for over half the cost, plus I was paying for parking etc. I have 2 great sons. Jason (24) lives with his father here in Michigan and James (omg ! 30) goes to college in Kansas. I had James when I was 17. As far as the boys were concerned they thought it was cool their Mom was sooo unique!! I am lucky to have these great kids. Oh they tested my patience and did the normal rebelliousness that we all try, but all in all I think they didn't care of my hairloss. I remember my oldest saying I should just take off my wig and let it go. Great words from him at the time..and I did so in front of his friends and lo' and behold they thought I was cool too!! Who'd have thought 'eh? Well keep in touch..I hope this has helped in some way. Gotta get ready for church now..God Bless you my friend and I'll talk to you later..Your friend, Sherry
At 11:51pm on February 6, 2010, Annette Thompson said…
Where have you found all your wigs? And do you have friends help you pick them out? One is better than the next. Do you have kids? I am raising a teenager and would be curious as to how he or she has reacted to your journey.
At 1:16pm on February 6, 2010, Annette Thompson said…
good god sherry---I thought you were much younger! You are my age, so of course, now I am
depressed! I too wondered if I would ever be brave enough to go wigless until someoen on this site reminded me that "going bald" is not the ultimate in courage. I am learning that courage is found within with whatever the next step in ones journey is. For me, today, I am off to do some lampworking and am thankful there is no way I can burn my hair off. (lol)
At 4:42pm on February 2, 2010, Sherry Stalnaker said…
thanks..when I can get more time
I will update profile and such....sooooo much living to do..hahahaha
At 4:20am on January 31, 2010, Susan - Jon's Mum said…
Love your photos Sherry!
It's amazing how different we can look with different hairstyles etc...You have such a beautiful and infectious smile. It makes a person automatically smile too.

Congrats on being featured as well!
Take care
At 1:45am on January 29, 2010, someone gave Sherry Stalnaker a giftAnonymous
Cant believe no one has sent you a gift.
At 9:44am on January 25, 2010, Drakes said…
good post you left on the 'depression' page... really good spirit!




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