FYI... Tonight on the 20/20 show: My Extreme Affliction, there will be a segment with a person with Alopecia. I found this out from a member of a different support website. Please check your local listings, but I believe it will be on from 8:00pm-10:00pm, CT. The Alopecia segment will just be one part of the show so I can't say what time it will be on during the show. I hope it brings awareness, and gives good information. I will be setting my DVR to record it. If you miss it, you might be able to find clips online after it airs.

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I missed the show. Did anyone see it?

I watched it. All I will say is that I cried. Members of a different support site did not give it good reviews. I would like to hear other's thoughts if you watched it. If you missed it, you can watch it on the show's site. They have a clip on the main page...

I just watched the clip you posted, and thought it was very good. Very honest. No one gets to see the pain we go through before we decide to just Let It Be. This gal's finding her role in life was the best part for me, and no one...NO ONE...has the right to squelch someone's desire to use what she knows to help others cope. That ability to help others is so much more meaningful, to me, than tossing long hair for a salary. She may have lost some work as a model, but I'll bet she feels satisfied now at the end of the day.

It was very honest, and I liked that about it. Yes, no one gets to see the pain. If I had taped myself back when I was having issues with it, I'm sure I would have said the same things as her. I am glad she found her role in life! I think others wanted to see it cover more about Alopecia, but they didn't have a lot of time for the segment.

I agree!! I don't think that they were criticizing her directly. I think they were critizing the segment or maybe the way that it was put together. I got the impression that some wanted it to be more detailed about Alopecia. In my opinion, I am all for any segment that mentions Alopecia as long as it doesn't make those with Alopecia feel worse about it.

I loved it. Thanks for posting the link.



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