I've had alopecia for 10 years. I've had AU for the last 5. In the last couple of months my hair seems to be growing in. It's spotty, but there is an awful lot there. Not enough to go without a wig, but when or if it gets long, I'm hoping to stop wearing it.
I have not had any hair growth like this since I was pregnant with my daughter, 6 years ago. Right before I had her, I lost it all and then got AU.
My question is: Am I getting my hopes up that my hair is coming back. I'm so excited about it right now, but also really nervous.
I'm even considering going to a dermatologist to get the steroid injections at the areas that haven't started growing yet. Did anyone have this before? What is your opinion on it?

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Hi honey. I had the injections when I had Alopecia Areata. It worked great. When I got AU though, the injections didn't work at all.

Don't get nervous. If your insurance will cover it, and you can stand the pain, it's not that big of a deal (the shots). I stopped treatment this time more because of the cost to my insurance company - it wasn't working and so wasn't worth my pain or their money. Maybe it'll work now that it seems to be growing in.

Thinking good thoughts for you!
Hi Debbie, I say if it's naturally coming back then let it naturally come back and leave the pharmaceutical companies out of the equation....This is coming from prior experiences. Good Luck.
Hi Debbie! I got really close last year to going without a wig for the first time in about four years, but then I changed wigs, and I think it derailed my process. I started losing my hair again in places where the new wig (which had a tighter cap) rubbed. I would say trying going without a wig as much a possible to let your follicles "breathe," I know this sounds kinda' silly, but a doctor once told me to do this. He had me on extra strength rogaine for men and another topical steroid. It seemed to work, and my hair grew back for a year.
So you think I should try some Rogaine or steroid shots? I was thinking about that to fill in where the hair is not growing. It is at a good length to go without the wig, but where there is none it looks strange. I have to wait for those areas to fill in.
Do you now have hair? Has it stayed? I'm so excited about the growth, since there is so much, but I'm also scared I will lose it all again. Unfortunately, no one has an answer, since we all have this in different ways, but I'm afraid to get my hopes up again.
May I ask, has any change occured lately in your live? like something that can make you a happier person, any stress source has died? Try to think of ant it might be the cause to your hair coming back!



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