Hi everyone,

I have just joined this site. I am hoping to find some friends who truly understand what it is like to live with no hair. I have been wearing a wig for 13 years now, quite an old timer really. I'm 40 years old, married with two daughters. I'd love to hear from anyone who understands the daily ups and downs of living like this.

Starr xx

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Good evening Starr!
Here listening to the presidential debate and its kind of funny that Mcain mentioned something about hair transplants and joking that he might need it! If he only knew! Also, its kind of ironic that today on Oprah they were talking about hair transplants but apparently its only good for people that have hair on one part of their head to move to the bald part. My question was "what about those of us that don't have any hair to transplant from!?

Anyway, I feel for you and your insecurity!! I have also become very insecure and I don't think people really realize how big image is especially for us women!! That's why we need eachother.
I'm sure your husband loves you for who you are inside, afterall he married you for you and not your hair. I by no means am a an expert but I think you should really keep your communication open with your husband, let him know how you feel, what you need/want from him, and ask him how it affects him. First and formost try to stay positive and love yourself!! Listen to me! I've been struggling with self esteem issues for years, lost my marraige due to my lack of ability to communicate and have pretty much isolated myself since my divorce/hair loss.
I don't have kids but I'm in the process of buying a house and can't wait to get a dog friend!!

Thanks for responding!

Is't it strange that when it comes to talking to oneanother, we know the right things to say but find it hard to actually practice what we preach so to speak.

I have a sister in law who has tried to commit suicide twice in the last fortnight and her problems seem to be far greater than mine at the moment which is always sobering.

I do talk to my hubby, and he listens and is very encouraging, but inside I know that he wouldn't say anything to upset me even if he was feeling negative about my hairloss. Not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing, not sure if he is always being truthful. He is a couple of years younger than me and I always think that it would be easy for him to go out and get himself a younger better looking woman with beautiful hair and no emotional baggage.

I think the combination of divorce and hair loss must be very difficult to deal with. both are things that individually can destroy your self esteem so put them together and you have a double whammy.

Its really good that you are in the process of buying a house, and getting a dog. Time to re-evaluate your life, and whats really important to you.

Have to say that when I feel really down, my little dog is such comfort, she never gets fed up of me when I moan or cry and of course never answers back ! ha ha. She never seems to mind if I have my wig on or not either. he he.

Hope you are having a good day today.

Look forward to hearing from you again soon.

Take care




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