some people do and some people don't, when do you wish if you do?

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I so no what you mean about the runny nose - nothing prepares you for your first cold lol!!!!!!
I think all of us want our hair back!! I have AU for 13 years and I never feel comfortable without my hair! I know I can do almost everything with a wig but is always a wig that also give us some work and don't allows all the looks we wish! So, I want my hair again! Is like a dream!! It would be the ony way to feel 100% well. :)
I am used to being bald, and the only time I wish I did have it is when I go to a wedding.
I have wished for it back so many times in my life that I would be a zillionaire if wishes were pennies!! I have had to conclude that I will probably never have growing hair again, but it would be nice, to say the least. The self-acceptance area of my emotions has been helped by the AA. I now can accept my own personality quirks and enjoy my own company! I also can more easily accept that my behind is never going to be a size 7 again and realize I was too thin then anyways! lol I always had long enough hair that I could pin it up in some way and I miss that option alot. I don't miss shaving and I can get ready to go out so much faster without all the "to do" that comes with hair. Summers here are very hot so wigs can be very itchy and uncomfortable, but if I had to choose my hair and possible bad health or baldness and freedom to live without sickness, I will stay bald!! Lori
it is so good to hear how others feel, now I feel "normal". I started out AA when I was 13 and boy did I let it bug me so much so if anyone even looked at me the wrong way I'd either burst into tears or shout abuse at them. When I was 21 I had hair which I kept short and didn't wear a wig to my party then it started getting to me again and I lost it. Over the years it has come and gone then 12yrs ago I had a major operation and hey ho all gone. Not having eyelashes really bugs me as when it rains or is windy, my eyes get really sore and I can't open them until I get inside. It's great not having to worry about shaving my legs though.
I don't think Alopecia gets enough recognition in the medical profession though and sometimes we are made to feel guilty for even asking for wigs. When I first started wearing one I was 17 and just about ready for a nervous breakdown. It was a horrible synthetic one now I have the dermalite ones and my confidence has grown much more..or maybe it was hitting my 40's that did that lol. However I do feel that I missed out on essential teenages years where you learn to style your hair, try different things and experiment with make up. I wouldn't have a clue and think I'm great as i can now use straighteners. I do like to wear eyeliner though. Oh it is soo good to talk about this with people who understand. Thank you guys. x
well said santi. I love the freedom of not wearing my wig when I am in the house or even on holiday but only when i feel comfortable to let others into my space and allow them to see me without my cover. I don't like the word wig though and I refer to it as my 'head'. No I don't want my hair back now, I wouldn't know what to do with it and the thought of having to shave my legs is a no no lol.
When I was little I would have gladly cut off a limb to have my hair back. Today 28 yrs later I'm good with who I am! Sometimes I find myself hoping it never comes back because I struggle so much with the whole process of losing it again.
I won't lie, as much as I love being bald, I'd also love to have hair again. Not so much to fit in, or because I don't like the baldness, but just to have the option. I have a head fit to be bald, but at the same time, I would've liked to be able to spike it, or to grow it out, or even bleach my hair. I was fortunate enough to have grown my eyelashes back, but I think without them, this bald experience would suck. I'm more than comfortable being a bald guy, I'd just love to have the option again to decide whether or not I'm bald. In the end though, I honor the decision of the lord
Yes, everyday.
I could be quite happy with hair back on my head but I would hate to get it back on my body. If it came back on my head I could choose to be bald sometimes and to have hair at other times. I think I would be bald most of the time though as I love the image.

If it came back on my body that would be awfull as I imagine it is so much hassle to shave all over your body. I suppose I could get it waxed but it would be hassle. It's much better having no body hair at all and being smooth all over.

I think the worst thing would be if it came back in patches on my head. The old map of the world on your head routine.

To be honest, I'm happy as I am
Every day!



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