i have been recently diagnosed as AA. i'm just wondering how do i know if it is AT or AU? at first it was just scalp hair, now i've lost my upper eyelashes only. is it a slow process, or will i know as rapidly as i lost my scalp hair?

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I started with AA nine years ago. It took two years for me to lose all my hair on my head. It was another year or two that I lost the rest of my hair on my body. For me it was a very slow process. No one can if it will be a slow process or fast. Unfortunately, no one has any answers. Everyone loses at a different rate. For me it was slow. For other people fast. It's just a waiting game. I wish you the best.
I know exactly how you feel. I was in exactly the same place one year ago. It frustrated the crap out of me that no one could answer that question. "Wait and see" was the only answer I ever got back, and unfortunately, that is the only answer there is.
I was diagnosed in late Oct, no scalp hair by Feb (shaving the last bit off was actually quite relieving), then complete loss of body hair by April. So it was quick for me.
But I have talked to people who continue to lose and re-grow for periods of years. So it is up to your own body, which is probably not comforting at all to hear. Actually, I know it isn't because I remember exactly where you are.
The only thing that anybody can ask of you is to deal the best that you can.
Good luck in all your adventures!

I have AA and I started losing hair in about 6th grade or so and I haven't really lost hair since then other than wearing wigs and the combs in the front of the wig pulling more hair out. My hair doesn't seem to be doing nothing right now....not falling our or growing and I'm a 3rd year college student now so it's been about 10 yrs and I still am AA (knocks on wood). :)
thanks for the responces. it's helpful to know that there are others playing the waiting game with me.
Your welcome :)
I wernt through 6 years of AA, treating it with shots which it responded well to. Then last year, the patches got so large, that I couldn't get that much injection. Shaved my head, then a few months later noticed my arm and leg hair falling out. Then a few months later, lost my eyelashes. I Get injections in my eyebrows as a preventative which has seemed to work so far (fingers crossed). You are not alone!!!
I lost all hair on my head withen 3 months then the next 3 months went total AU.
Since then white fuzzies since the begining of 2008. I guess I am AT.




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