The first twenty years of my young adult life was spent in the U.S. Marine Corp in Military Intelligance. We always asked questions, such as "what", "when", "why", "if", "how"; etc. Short quick questions that made you think and find the answers.
After leaving the Marines (something you never do in mind and sole) I joined a volunteer fire company and became a Fire Investigator. Same questions were asked investigating a fire.
SO, I would like to ask a question, mainly to the lovely ladies. One that will have you thinking deep within your mind and making you wonder, maybe even laugh.
What is "one" (maybe two or more) thing(s) you can thinking of that makes you feel good about having Alopeica?
We all have "one" thing that makes us feel good about anything we feel is the worst thing in the World. But, we tend to hid it deep within the darkness of our mind.
Then, went we think of good things it comes forward and we laugh and say "yes, that is a good thing about ......" .
So, just sit back, close your eyes, think ...... I am sure you will find the "one" thing about having Alopecia that makes you feel good.