How has AU affected your fingernails? I have one that's pretty riddled with pin-like indentions. Several of the others are oddly shaped and get the pin-sized indentions from time to time. My dermatologist told me (a long long time ago) that your fingernails are flattened, elongated hairs.

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Yes--6 months after total AU my nails started to split at the top then separated from the nail bed. They became paper thin and turned green--something called pseudomonas which dr said can be associated with AA. They look awful and are always tearing off, which doesn't make them very functional. Dermatologist is injecting corticosteroids in my fingers near the cuticles--hurts like hell--but nails seem to be responding so far. Problem is they also hemorhage (sp?) from the injections, so now the fingers are bruised! I just can't win with this one. Also have a topical prescription for the green discoloration, which may take a year if it works. This has been worse than the hair loss.
I have had the same problem with my finger nails, though it only affects certain fingers. I have it nearly constantly on my left ring finger, and my pinky nails it comes and goes. My nails seperate from the nail bed and fall off at times. My doctors have actually asked ME what it was ( I told them that I assumed it was from the alopecia and they tend to agree). It is painful at times, and all of those times I told my Mom that doing the dishes was actually painful she never believed me (then she got me rubber gloves) Weird to me that its pretty localized to 3 nails and has never touched the other ones (hope I didn't just jinx myself) The rest of them aren't too brittle and do have some pinning in them though.
I've mentioned this before but thought I would throw it out there again...
I take Biotin. It's supposed to support hair, nails and skin as well as boost carbohydrate metabolism. I've upped my dose from 1mg to 5mg tablet daily. My nails are stronger than ever, Scratch..... Lol

My son lost all of his fingernails and toenails. Doctors still aren't sure if it was from the anemia or AU or even a rare side effect of the Imuran he's on for Ulcerative Colitis. But, we doubled his Biotin to 5000mcg and they began growing back within a couple of weeks. It's been 2 months and they are almost completely re-grown.

Yes this can be asscoiated with alopecia as nails are composed of a similar material as hair. Mine got quite bad with pits and lines down them about 6 months after I went AU but are fine again now-with no treatment. Buffing can smooth out the pits but if done too much can thin the nails making them more suceptable to breaking in the long run.
My son has had ridge-y, brittle nails since birth. He also has never had any hair (AU). As far as the comment about pseudamonas, it is not really more prone to AA. It is a certain type of bacterial infection, and maybe those with immune disorders are more susceptible, it does not come along with the alopecia territory. I have been a nurse for 10 years, in case you are wondering:) I can imagine if your nails are falling off, like my son's do, they can pick up whatever infection is around. He has lost his thumbnail a couple of times. Then, it automatically just reappears. His other nails are flaky and brittle. Perfect analogy with the Ruffles potato chips!
Jeanette--I know that pseudomonas is a staph infection, but according to the UC San Francisco Dermatology Dept. who did my nail biopsy, it is also associated with AA and can go along with the immune system's attack of the hair and nails. Sorry to disagree with you, but it something to be aware of if one has a type of AA.
Pseudomonas is an oppurtunistic gram negative rod bacteria which favors water.
My question is how is it associated with AA?
At the exact same time my hair was falling out, my two thumb nails turned 'wonky'. They split into layers like a piece of flake mica rock and what was left was a very thin layer of ragged nail for many months. they have since grown back. I have minor ridging, but have had that most of my life. I think the nail issue was more difficult for me than losing all the hair because it left me thinking there must be something more than just alopecia going on. It took about 8 months to go back to normal.
My nails started pitting and getting little white flakes on them about 7 months after I first showed signs of alopecia. I found on this website that something called Biotin can help, so I started taking herbal tablets that contain Biotin. My brand is "Blackmores - Nails, Hair and Skin", and it has helped out heaps. It doesn't completely get rid of the pitting, but takes care of about 90% of the problems.
Hey Sam,

I take Biotin as well. 1 mg tablet daily.
I'm glad it is helping you!!!

I have ridges too. Specially the thumbs.



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