Hi, I am Adrianna and and I am glad to find this site.I am 29 years old and have Alopecia since the age of 10 years old.It was hard at first,the teasing and I was picked on which did stop.I am lucky to have my friends whom understand I have this.The encouraging thing was from my adoptive parents Karl and Francine: Do not let this hold me back.I have been doing this and cope very well everyday.I do wear a wig everyday,just past my shoulder.I do have a very understanding husband AJ whom I am married to since October 4th.He does not judge me at all,says I am still sexy with out hair and knows my condition,Alopecia is not funny at all.

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My name is Carol and I've had alopecia since I was one but most of it fell out when I was 13 and I started wearing a wig. I understand completely about the teasing and bullying you went through, I struggled through it too. I also was adopted. I'm happy to hear that you are coping with it and that you found someone who makes you happy and accepts you as you are. I stopped wearing a wig (most of the time anyways) when I was about 24 (I'm 31 now) and it was one of the most freeing things I have ever done, not to say that it's right for everyone but never feel afraid to walk around your own home as yourself, like AJ says you are still sexy with out hair. Feel free to message me if you ever wanna talk to someone and welcome to Alopecia World!!! :)
My husband does love and accept me as I am.My friends have seen me without my wigs on and say I am still beautiful.I was called Baldy,freak and many more names.I was bulllyed a lot and one day the principal saw this suspended the kids whom bullyed and teased me.I remember the principal telling I still looked beautiful and rose me up saying I look beautiful
welcome adrianna!! I understand all to well about bullying and being picked on. I'm glad you have decided to not let alopecia hold you back. I'm still working on that. but i did go swimming/snorkeling for the first time in ten years since i started to loose my hair. I was to embarrassed to go before but i finally said you know what screw it. i want to go snorkeling!! so I did and had a blast!
HI Adrianna

Welcome to the great site. :)

You are so right this condition is never an easy thing to deal with but with support and education it can be moved pass and over. It's great to know that you have such a supportive husband and family.

I think the tweens and teens are very trying times for those dealing with this condition. My daughter lost her hair at 12 and is now coming up 18 years old. She was lucky to be in situation where she had to deal with very little teasing and like your parents my husband and I were very focussed on her being able to do all the things she ever wanted to do.

I'll look forward to getting to know you a little better.

Once again thanks and my husband was taught not to judge or hurt anyone.I told him that there needs to be more people like him and he totally agrees
Welcome to the group! Great support here and friendship on the site..... I have Alopecia as well since May of this year. I still have hair but it is going and I am on the hunt for the perfect wig.... I have 4 that totally suck! LOL



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