"The use of Methotrexate alone or in combination with low doses of oral corticosteroid in treatment of Alopecia Totalis or Universalis"
Study by Pascal Joly, MD, PHD
Rouen, France.

22 patients, 14 of which had a total recovery of their hair, and of the 14, 3 maintained their hair after they stopped the treatment.

I have decided to try it out. Just took my first dose. I'll keep you updated!

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well thanks for raining on my parade! Haha, JK. I understand that the probability for relapse is very high, being that it doesn't "cure" alopecia. But for those of us who do not yet want, or can accept this disease....Hope is all we have. Also, if no one is willing to be a guinea pig for these studies, how are we supposed to work toward finding a cure?
I understand, but it is a decision I have made for myself to try it out. Maybe I am the rare case who might get regrowth and keep it. I am envious of so many Alopecians who are accpeting of this disease and can go about there day without a care in the world and smile all day long. But I am not there...yet. Thank you for your input though!
Hi Craig,

Just wondering if you have ever been to a NAAF Confrence.
Going this year and meeting all my friends from Alopecia World made all the difference.

I wish you the best of luck with your treatment and coping along this journey.
Know that we are all here for you.

I have been taking this since Feb. 08 for Rheumitoid Arthritus ( another autoimmune diease) . It has helped with the RA but also with my own hair growth since it has stunned the immune system from fighting the hair as well as the inflammation of my joints. It is a serious drug and has many side effects. Stay on top of those as well as the do's and don'ts of the drug. Your doctor is your best bet of monitoring the progress. I do hope it helps you as well.
A few facts:
Methotrexate interferes with the production and maintenance of DNA, the genetic material in the cells of your body. It is not known exactly how methotrexate works in rheumatoid arthritis, but it can reduce inflammation and slow the progression of the disease. Methotrexate is considered a disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD). DMARDs are also called immunosuppressive drugs or slow-acting antirheumatic drugs (SAARDs).
Side Effects
Common side effects, which are reversible once the medication is stopped, include:
Hair loss.
Skin rash.
Mild liver inflammation (elevation of liver enzyme blood test).
Fatigue and feeling like you have the flu.
Mouth sores.
Folic acid supplements may help prevent some of these minor side effects. However, do not take folic acid without consulting your health professional first.

Risk of infection
Methotrexate decreases the activity of your body's immune system, which increases the risk of a serious bacterial infection. Some people who take methotrexate develop an infection that requires oral antibiotics; a smaller number of people will develop an infection that requires intravenous antibiotics and hospitalization.
Regular blood tests may help detect liver damage early so that the dose can be adjusted accordingly.
I have had very good results but I also see my rheumotoligist every 6 weeks and do blood work also. ( costly as well) EACH person's progress will vary.. Stay aware and watch the effects you may or may not experience. I do.
Keep us posted on your progress!



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