This is the third time in my life that I've started losing my hair. But this is the first time where my patches of baldness physically hurt. It's like the tingling sensation that makes you want to scratch at your head.. except it's painful, and seems to be a continuous throb/sting. Has anyone else experienced this level of pain on their scalp? Any suggestions to ease it?

Thanks in advance for your advice!


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I have experienced a similar pain on my scalp. At first, I did not know if it was caused by my hair growing in or my hair falling out. To be honest, I still do not know if it is signaling the beginning of regrowth or foreshadowing more hair loss :( For me, it hurts to touch my scalp or even wash my hair. I have noticed that it is even more painful a week prior to getting my period, which makes me wonder if my cycle has anything to do with it.
The only thing I can do is take Tylenol or Advil. I would think a heating pad might help too, but I have never tried it.
I hope this helps :p
Hi Sarah,
I have the same pain on my scalp. It goes from throbbing to itching. Sure hope that does Not mean more hair loss. At this time I have 2 bald spots a little bit bigger then a fifty cent piece. Started in December of 2008. Went to the dermatologist several times. Was given injections 6 weeks hair has grown, only my scalp has sunken in due to the shots causing skin thinning. No More shots for me! I would give anything for a cure! The dermatologist does not think it is a big deal, was told to comb my hair to the other side as she walked out of the exam room. Not only due I feel depressed about my hair loss, then I get a doctor like that! Feel free to email me, would like to hear what treatments you are doing. Take Care, Katie
Hi Sarah
I too get physically hurt when my patches are completly down to the skin. I get a throb/sting first, then sometimes I get a very bad burn feeling that makes me want to put ice on it to put of the fire. I have not found anything yet to help when this is happening except I do take a pain reliever. It can last for hours at a time and it literally drives me to distraction and is so painful. My doctor looked at me strange when I mentioned this pain to them. If you find a way to ease the pain please pass it on to me!

I'm sorry I don't know what to do either. I also get this pain and itch with mine. Mostly mine are on the temples and around my left ear where I have no hair at all. I do shave what I do have now because it's to hard to try to cover it up.
Good luck to you



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