A heart felt thank you to all the veterans and their families as we remember those who served and those still active this past weekend!

It was mid 70s and sunshine all weekend around here. Even better, spent all three days with my youngest daughter, looking for tadpoles in the creek, hiking along the Erie Canal , playing catch, washing her stinky ferret, and just doing whatever we felt like. Kids grow so fast…these days are becoming few and far between. All in all, a great Memorial Day weekend.

How was your weekend?

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In Canada we had our long weekend before you guys (for Queen Victoria's birthday who may have suffered from some hairloss as she owned an extensive collection of wigs). Last weekend though I had a great weekend, thanx for asking! I did a break job on my car all by myself and did a good job I might add! I'm very proud that I can fix some things on my car so because I accomplished that it was a good weekend. Don't knock the ferret - they are really cool pets (even though they smell a bit).
Good going on getting your brakes done. You should be very proud of your accomplishment! As for ferrets, he's very 'entertaining' when he's awake. My daughter just loves the little guy and he loves he right back to the point that he sulks when she's not home. That in itself is worth putting up with all his personality.
We had two ferrets a few years ago but we had this one guy for so long that we went away for only a weekend to go camping. We left him enough food and water but because there was nobody there with him he was nearly dead when we got back home. Unfortunately, he didn't make it but it was terribly sad. Normally I'd recommend that you get a "friend" for a lonely pet but in this case it doesn't work. They are awesome though and fortunately fit just about anywhere so they're great to take along, I used to put my guy in my hoody or the long pouch pocket in front. You're just lucky it doesn't snow so far south, they don't like that much. But they are so worth everything because of their personalities.
Believe it or not, the ferret and the cat are best buds. The cat whines when I open the door, not cause she missed me...heck no, I'm only the servant. She whines for me to let ferret boy out of his house (he's too mischievous to leave out). They play, he gets tired, so they snuggle together...unless my daughter is there in which case he prefers to snuggle with 'momma'. BTW, I'm in western NY...we get LOTS of snow!!!
sorry, your picture is misleading. For some reason I thought you were in texas or something. LOL Must be the horse!
That's sweet, I wish I still had my buddy.
He was a 'rental'. I head for the Adirondacks every now and again just to ride and clear my head...riding does wonders for the soul. Sadly, the my own barn is empty right now...
My friend just bought a horse but we can't ride her yet cause she ain't broke. We might get one too, turns out my husband actually does like animals - just really really big ones! lol



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