I had my eyebrows done today! OMG, what an experience. I was very nervous. I had Wake Up With Make Up from Norwalk Ohio do it. She was very nice and did a great job. I go back in July for a touch up. It cost about $300. The pain felt like getting a tatoo initially then she numbed it after she traced it and then it felt like she was shaving my eyebrows with an electric razor. Afterwards it felt like a sunburn. Also during the procedure it makes you want to sneeze, how wierd. So now i have eyebrows :)

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Congrats! You are one very beautiful bald lady! Enjoy your lovely new eyebrows!

My wife who is beautifully bald with au, has permanent eyeliner.
It looks wonderful on her with her earrings and her pretty bald head, or a wig or headscarf.
Congrats! How cool! Will you post a pic of the new eyebrows?
congrats. I got mine done too! I loved it.
Most Excellent! I am so happy to hear of positive and favorable experience with permanent cosmetics!
I own Wake Up with Makeup in Anchorage Alaska and have been doing cosmetic tattooing since 1988. I am very happy for you Char.
LiZa Sims

Always look for a CPCP technician (certified permanent cosmetics professional) - they are certified by exam through the longest established professional organization- the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals (SPCP)
HI, I got my eyeliner done but she said my skin was very thick (apparently quite common with AU sufferers). So it hurt quite a bit as the numbing agent would run out very quickly, also the dye didn't take well and some parts are lighter than others. I went to a quality women (from wake up with make up in NZ) but it just didn't work out that well for me. She re did it three time free of charge to see if she could get the pigment darker and even but it just wouldn't work. Such a pity as I would have loved not to put eyeliner on everyday. Oh well it still does give definition to my eyes at night when my eyeliner is off. Glad to hear you had a better experience.
Make sure after they heal that you always cover them with sunscreen. I have had my done 9 times over the last 15 years. I have the same problem as Fitzy that they fade and the color just does not last on me. I wish you beeter luck. Oh and don't pick at them as they heal. If you get dry spots and peel them you will peel off some color.
Hi. I'm Andrea.

I also had my eyebrows and eyeliner done. It was an excellent decision. I am happy that I did it every day.

However, the pain was significant. The numbing agent liquified and ran into my eyes as well--also causing pain. It was not an easy procedure, but I am so happy I did it.
I'm thinking of wearing false eyebrows. I've been online for an hour or so tonight with no luck and I finally decide to search alopecia and came up with this group. As a 20 year sufferer of this "condition", I never thought to seek out a group of people like me. How stupid is that?

I just signed up twenty minutes ago and I've already seen a great many beautiful women. No, it's not why I came over, but it certainly is nice! :-)

Anyway, can someone with experience with eyebrows please get back to me. I would just like to have a pair of "go to" eyebrows for those big occasions when I feel like I'm making friends and family uncomfortable with my look. (Am I the only one who feels this way?)

Thanks guys.......
You can get eyebrows in many froms from temporary tattoos to permanent tattoos. There are also paste on ones as well

I did the powder with the adhesive. Worked but it was too much work for me. I also found myslef smudging it off during the day.
I went for the tatoos instead. No Fuss no Muss and be on with it.

Hi Jeffery,

Before I got the tattoos I purchased a product at a drug store which was a kit with brown powder, an applicator and a liquid glue. The cost less than $10. It worked but it was time consuming and again with smudging mishaps...

I'm really happy with the tattoos.
I typically go in for touch ups every 3 months or so.
I can hook you up with my Paramedical Tattoo Artist to compare techniques if you are interested.
I'll check your website too.

Be Well,

I have no idea what I'm going to do. Only that I'm looking at my options, you would think after close to twenty yeas I would be beyond this, huh?

But all these years I would be thinking, if only I had eyebrows, something to delineate the face somehow.



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