Hello. I'm new on this site. It's great. I would like to give a bit of advice, from experience. My insurance company will give $300 towards a new wig every year, which will pay for a good human hair wig on ebay. I made the mistake of going to my family doctor, a woman. She seemed to be pleased that I, an attractive woman, needed a wig. Like a smirk. Then last year the insurance company called her office and had to talk to their receptionist for approval. Does the whole world have to know? This year I'm going to a doctor out of town and taking care of this. Then it will blow over at the office of our family doctor. We live in a small town. You have to protect yourself. You can't trust everyone! And people can be unkind. My daughter-in-law can be very hateful and has announced that I wear a wig, which has gotten all the way from her state to relatives in my state! I ignore it all. To be honest, I look good in my wig and, like someone on another discussion mentioned, if you don't make a big deal out of it, they won't either. Only once did someone ask if I wear a wig - I'd gotten a much longer one. And if a certain relative asks if I wear one - I'm going to tell her that only two people have asked me that question and they were both hillbillies - and she's one of them! I don't understand how some people on this site get a wig and then go out and tell everyone they're wearing a wig. That's insane. I'm ranting to a thousand strangers, but I know you all understand.