I know there are much worse things that can be passed on to children, but a part of me is rather scared to have kids because I hate knowing I may pass on my AA. Anyone else have these fears?

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My kids both had nice hair with bangs, needing haircuts all the time. Grandchild, too. I think the particular mixture of rare genes we got might be compromised or negated by whoever we select as the other parent. Besides...kids are wonderful of their own accord. We help them have strength and positive attitudes, help them discover and develop their talents, minds and compassion. Some folk never get that, even WITH hair!

Haha Tallgirl, good point. ;)

My son's derm told us this condition is NOT hereditary!!

I've been to 2 and they both said it was. :-/
I'm the only one in the family with it though.

I have had AU since the age of 8 I am now 31 and have a 3 years old who has beautiful long hair. I wonder everyday if she will have AA or AU but the joy and happiness she brings us is worth it. I think it also depends on how you feel about your AA. I am very comfortable with my AU. It's a part of who I am and I think my positive attitude towards it will effect my daughter if she has it. Honestly AA would be a blessing compared to some of the other illnesses that effect children.

I don't disagree! I'm more comfortable with my AA now - but it took me 4 years to get that way. I couldn't image dealing with it as a child.

The doctor that diagnosed me told my mother not to treat me any differently. That is probably the best advice we ever got and the best advice I can pass on. I believe it made me a stronger person and it was never, ever a crutch.

Smart doc. :)

Do not let this stop you from having kids!!!!

I have AU, and my daughter has AT. My daughter is the most awesome experience that life can bring. She has amazed me with her acceptance of the condition, and she classes us as "special" compared to other mothers and daughters, because we share something together that others don't/can't.

She shows off her wigs to her friends at school, and loves the attention that she gets when she goes to shool with "new" hair (which we explained to the school and did not hide the fact)

Its all about putting positivity into your childs heads, stand up, accept who you are
(my attitude......if you don't like it ......get stuffed),
and if it happens to to your child, its ONLY HAIR....... its so superficial.....

Heads up people, have your children, and be proud !!!!!

You have taken it all wrong, reading it you should be looking at the positive of it. Please do not think I do not understand.... I have had AT from 12-25 and AU from 25 to this day. However I was trying to put across a positive story for people, and a pump up the negative thoughts.

I was treated extremely poorly at high school, back then it was a freaky disease so unknown, no internet there was no online help with this......... however when it did happen to my daughter I took action from AA (nataional and australian) sites and used the school packs to help awareness for her, her friends and her school so she would not be treated the same.....

..... BUT we are not focussing on the negative....I AM focusing on the POSITIVE....please see that.... my positive actions and with the school packs help ..... that was what has helped my daughter....

As I have always said, I can see, I can hear, I have two arms, I have two legs, I am not blind, deaf or in a wheelchair (not that there is anything wrong with that) but I am greatful I am only missing hair.... I have friends with disabled children, and I am a step mum to my partners 4 children (2 of which are autistic and we have full custody of and attend "special school")..... life is about looking at the positive.....

I have also had similar concern. I am 37 male and single and for a long time I avoided relationships because I always had this anxiety of having a child with A. So I could not consider any relationship to get serious. Having a kid with A will be a double torture for me.

Thanks for your support. I know that adoption is a concern, but you can not get the right of having her own kid from a woman. 

Regarding the point with those who don't want a kid....Being a man with alopecia makes it extremely difficult to intimately attract a woman! On the other hand, the % of those women who don't want a kid is very low..



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