Hello All! 

I am new around here, and I am wondering if any one else has experienced my journey.  Back in October my hair began falling out at an alarming rate.  By the time I got an appointment with my doctor I had several bald patches on my head I begged for anything to stop it and was given steroid creams and oral steroids(after I begged for them).  By the time I got to the dermatologist I was bald and given not options for treatment.  All of my hair fell out in 1 month.  Within the next 3 months the rest of my hair fell out, full AU.  I began researching everything and finally went to a GI doctor who tested me for celiac disease which has been confirmed.  I have read a lot about nutrition and hair loss as well as people who do Paleo or AIP.  Has anyone actually had their hair grow back from this?  I know nutrition is very important and based on my rapid and expansive hair loss it is unlikely to grow back but I am still curious.  I feel or hope for me there has to be a link, and I am wondering if any one else has found one?

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Alopecia often doesn't arrive without other conditions.  My daughter has Crohn's disease, asthma, eczema, anaphylactic food allergies.  All are auto immune conditions.  I work with many people dealing with alopecia and many have other conditions (like celiac's).  

I would do all you can to follow the diet required to keep yourself healthy, whether this brings back your hair I'm afraid nobody knows.  

Good luck with everything.


Hey Rosy, 

Thank you for the info, my main goal is to get healthier and if I have hair growth as a side effect then even better!  I was also diagnosed with a form of eczema on my hands a few years ago that caused my hands to itch, crack and be really pain full for over a year.  It also affected my finger nails which never went away but now they say it was an early sign of AU and the eczema is really a skin condition associated with Celiac.  I am curious if you have noticed any pattern between your daughters Chron's flares and treatments and hair growth/loss?


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There is a connection, and there is hope according to this article linked below. I'm currently waiting the results of my Celiac testing.

Not sure what AIP is, but I'm guessing its a dietary choice like paleo. The only treatment for Celiac is totally gluten free, I have read other people trying the paleo diet, and none of them reported any change in their alopecia. Not saying it hasn't helped anyone, just saying I have not heard of anyone else having success with it, though it seems to be inline with a gluten free diet... not sure though.

One other thing, have you had your thyroid tested? A lot of us with alopecia, also have thyroid issues, and it appears clearer, a link with the Celiac too. I'm not sure how many of us get checked for both Celiac and thyroid, my doctor never checked me for Celiac, and treated me for thyroid issues, and well, indigestion and acid reflux. It wasn't until I brought up the link of all three and all the symptoms that he finally agreed and tested me for Celiac.


Good luck, and feel free to friend me here, I'd like to know how things work out with you.

My beautiful bald alopecian wife has AU. She is very healthy, she is the mother of three, and is very active, she has no health problems. Alopecians can be as healthy as your average person. The best to ya.

Good luck with your tests!  The more I read articles the more I see how important nutrition is, the natural decline of of food source and incline of auto immune diseases.  I know there are a lot of scam articles too, but if eating healthy will help my body heal then I am doing it!.  I am moving forward with trying a very restrictive diet so I will let you know if I think it actually helps! Most everything I read says it is not enough to go gluten free to see results, I know I have not yet but hopefully this new phase will help.  Let me know what your results are.

My daughter started to lose her hair at the age of 12 (July 2012).  A Dermotologist prescribed steroid cream, which didn't help.  She was tested for anaemia, thyroid and celiac disease - all of which were normal.  By June 2013 her hair loss was 80%.  A Consultant Dermatologist at our local hospital gave her a booklet, showing how children had decorated their bald heads, and offered my daughter an appointment with a psychiatrist, saying there was nothing more she could do!!  This prompted me to research treatments, and I discovered AA and celiac disease are often seen together (although H doesn't appear to have CD). There is a gene which causes AA, CD and RA. (Research University of Columbia)  We have a friend who has followed the GAPS diet, as she is diabetic, and has seen excellent results.  So in September 2013 H started on GAPS - after three weeks little red spots appeared on her head, followed by soft, fluffy hair.  By Christmas she had 100% coverage.  Her hair kept on growing.  In April 2014 she had to have booster injections for polio, diptheria, tetanus, meningitis (all important and we did agonise over whether she should have them, but decided they were important).  A week after the first injection she developed a rash on her torso, which went away after a week or so, and three/four weeks after the second injection she developed four/five tiny bald patches on her head (no bigger than the nail on my little finger).  I have been putting steroid cream on these patches and her hair is starting to grow back.  GAPS is a long-term commitment (minimum 18 months to heal the gut) and you can't cheat, but well worth a try.  H is grain free, lactose free, sugar free.  She has lots of fresh food - meat, veg, fruit, eggs, etc.  I make paleo bread, sweeten things with natural honey, nothing she has is processed  She's happy to follow the diet because the results have been so good.  Good luck with whatever course of treatment you decide to follow.

Thanks for the information, I will look into GAPS.  I have decided to focus on eating fruits/veggies and meats for now.  I have been gluten free for over a month and I have not seen any improvement in any symptoms yet (hair, skin, nails, GI symptoms - nothing is better yet).  Your story is very encouraging, can I ask if you use organic/free range meat and veggies?  I would like to add this in but the expense looks overwhelming!

I try to buy organic when I can, but not always, as it can be expensive.  I really like organic coconut oil and organic honey.   I make bread/cakes with coconut flour or ground almonds (almond flour is hugely expensive here).  My daughter has been brilliant adapting to this diet and I am convinced it has made a difference and it's not just a coincidence.  Keep with it - I hope you see the benefits soon.



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