I had never thought of getting tested for Lupus; until a number of people mentioned it to me due to my alopecia.

 Upon researching Lupus, I realized it's a possibility; considering I have extreme fatigue, chronic headaches, history of other autoimmune (my mom says I was "alergic to myself."

Anyway, I went to the doctor today abd had blood drawn. Now I wait 2 weeks for my ANA results.

 Anyone out there with AA and Lupus?

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Did they do a blood test for thyroid function. Your symptoms sound just like my hypothyroid symptoms before I got treated. I have psoriasis of the nail and AU. Plus like you I'm highly allergic. I'm contemplating being tested for lupus too.
Thanks for the reply. I did have my thyroid tested when I first noticed extreme fatigue (2 years ago) and everything came back normal then. The doctor I saw yesterday said that since the function was normal (when I was symptomatic) that she would not test that until my ANA test came back. I did get my CBC (complete blood count) back and that was normal (which is a relief since my mom has a blood disorder.) So....I wait....

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease use medicine approved by other disease and grow back hair.

Thanks for the reply Salvador; but growing back my hair is the least of my concerns. Anyway, it appears that my hair is starting to grow back anyway (for now, and it's blonde not dark brown. Lol)
I'm more concerned about my other symptoms and curious if others are dealing with the same. I find that talking to others who have gone through something similar can be very helpful.

Any update on your test results?



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