You may want to give this a try and see what sprouts

To eight ounces of distilled water, add 15 drops oil of bergamot, 1 tblsp glycerine and 10 drops oil of rosemary. Apply this to the scalp before bed, accompanied with vigorous scalp massage.
To this procedure I would also add taking the B vitamins biotin (8mg daily) and folic acid (2-3 mg daily).

Antibiotics like Pentasa tends to interfere with PABA and folic acid metabolism, which can predispose to increased activity of yeast on the scalp. This can result in destruction of the hair follicle and loss of hair.

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Thanks, I like Bergamot in my tea (earl grey) so I might as well try it on my head :). My hair loss didn't coincide with antibiotics but it soesn't sound like your recipe is going to hurt anything.



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