Im curious as to if anyone else here as experienced remission of their alopecia and for how long. I was recently contacted on facebook from someone that says they cured their alopecia with a lifestyle change. I have let to talk to anyone that has long term regrowth (remission) before their alopecia returned. Is there really a cure in lifestyle changes or is this just remission.
For me I was first diagnosed at 8. I experienced patches and within a year I was bald. Slowly my hair grew back and for over a decade I had full thick and long hair. So thick and long that if I kept it in a ponytail all day I would have a headache. It wasnt til my 20's that I started to experience patches again and even then my hair would grow back without any notice to the world around me. My later 20's and into my 30's I then experienced more hair loss, doing treatments and more treatments. At 35 I was yet bald again.
Your thoughts ????